This Ruby command line utility uses the yamlator.rb library published by @henrik at
It transforms a nested yaml file into a flat yaml file or the other way round.
This library is born from the frustrating process of dealing with large yaml locale files in a Ruby On Rails application.
One of the nice benefits of this conversion library is that it will also sort all your key alphabetically.
To transform a nested yaml file to a flat format, use:
y_converter.rb flat -f /path/to/your_file.yml
The flat yml file will be saved in the same location as
To transform a flat yaml file to a nested format, use:
y_converter.rb nested -f /path/to/your_file.yml
The nested yml file will be saved in the same location as
In all cases, your original file will not be touched.
This is the default format used in Rails applications for translation files.
It looks like this:
create: Créer
edit: Modifier
destroy: Suprrimer
This format is much easier to work with when you need to add keys or locate an existing one.
It looks like this:
fr.actions.create: Créer
fr.actions.edit: Modifier
fr.actions.destroy: Supprimer
- Simplify the workflow of switching from nested to flat to nested
- Making this a lot more robust than what it currently is
- Detect if a file is in a nested or flat format and do not attemps to flatten an already flat yaml file
- Please issue pull requests to the development branch. All development happens here, master is used for releases.
- Try to make things as robust as possible :)
y_converter is released under an MIT license.