Welcome to the FFT and Slicing Block project for a simple OFDM communications system! This repository contains the design and implementation of a 128-point FFT block and a slicing block, tailored to meet specific OFDM system requirements. Below you will find the detailed specifications, module functionality, and port descriptions.
This project focuses on the development of a critical component for OFDM communication systems. The primary goals are to implement a 128-point FFT and accurately slice the data to extract encoded information. The system adheres to the following specifications:
FFT Size: 128 points (complex)
Frequency Bins:
Tones are at even-numbered bins 4 to 52.
Active Tones: 24 tones, each coded as two bits (4 levels) resulting in 48 bits per symbol (one 128-point FFT).
Fixed Tones: Bins 55 and 57 are used for synchronization and other purposes.
Complex Input:
The FFT accepts complex inputs from an IQ decoder.
Each of the 128 points is provided as a pair of complex fixed-point signed 16-bit numbers (1.15 format).
Data Encoding:
2-bit digital data is mapped to frequency bin data for the IFFT.
The data encoding levels are:
00 = 0%
01 = 33%
10 = 66%
11 = 100%
Data Decoding:
The FFT output converts the complex waveform into frequency bins.
Each used frequency bin represents 2 bits of output.
The decoding levels are:
<25% full scale = 00
>=25% and <50% full scale = 01
>=50% and <75% full scale = 10
>=75% full scale = 11
The module converts the transmitted complex waveform into a set of frequency bins and slices the data to retrieve the encoded information. The output is produced as bytes, with each FFT block and slicing resulting in 48 bits.
Name | Direction | Bits | Description |
Clk | In | 1 | Positive edge system clock |
Reset | In | 1 | Active high asynchronous reset |
PushIn | In | 1 | Data is present on the input |
FirstData | In | 1 | This is the first data in an FFT block |
DinR | In | 16 | Real part of input (coded 1.15 2’s complement) |
DinI | In | 16 | Imaginary part of input (coded 1.15 2’s complement) |
PushOut | Out | 1 | Data is present on the output |
DataOut | Out | 48 | Output data bits |
To clone and run this project, execute the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/phucducnguyen/uvm-fft-ofdm.git
cd uvm-fft-ofdm
Thank you for your interest in the FFT and Slicing Block project for OFDM communication systems!