These images are intended to be used when developing Phoenix-RTOS OS and apps. Prebuilt images are available on DockerHub.
Image with toolchains for arm7v-a
, armv7-m
, ia32
, riscv
and sparc
Based on phoenixrtos/build
- additional development tools added.
# additional steps may be needed for building image - check builders using command docker buildx ls
# run container with all archs
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset always -p yes
# change default buildx container
docker buildx create --name multiarch --driver docker-container --use
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
# building will take about approximately 15 hours for arm/v7 and 1.5 hours for amd64
# - don't build armv7 images for build, devel (only for gh-runner)
# - after building test if it builds all TARGETs from phoenix-rtos-project
# use --load flag to load image into docker but it works only for one platform
docker buildx build --load --platform linux/arm/v7 -t phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:armv7 -f $IMAGE_NAME/Dockerfile $IMAGE_NAME
docker buildx build --load --platform linux/amd64 -t phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:amd64 -f $IMAGE_NAME/Dockerfile $IMAGE_NAME
# push images to the docker hub repo
docker push phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:armv7
docker push phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:amd64
# create manifest composed of images of different architectures
# WARN: only remote images are taken into account, -amend doesn't really work
docker manifest rm phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME
docker manifest create phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:latest phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:armv7 phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:amd64
# push the image
docker manifest push phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:latest
# create the same manifest with the current date
docker manifest create phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:$DATE phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:armv7 phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:amd64
docker manifest push phoenixrtos/$IMAGE_NAME:$DATE
# create new tag in the repo
git tag -a $DATE
Repeat the above steps for: