A very simple password store, that basically stores an encrypted textfile containing whatever you did put there.
WIP: This is still very much in progress. So don't use it for now :)
cargo install --path .
Clearly the above only works if the Rust compiler is installed as described here
strg + s
encrypt and save changes to the *.pdpw file that you have opened. Typicallydefault.pdpw
strg + f
open the search dialog
Add following line to /etc/mime.types
application/pdpw pdpw
Now create a pdpw.desktop
file in either ~/.local/share/applications
or /usr/share/applications
in case you want to configure pdpw
for all users.
The desktop file should contain similar contents
[Desktop Entry]
Name=PD Password
Comment=Encrypted File as Password Manager
Exec=pdpw %F