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Yet another static Website Generator


Have you ever designed a static website for your club or for one of your relatives but you didn't want to maintain the contents for them? Well most static website generators are either dedicated to bloggers or they are too complicated to be used by non digital natives.

The goal of neptungen is to be easy to use and minutes to set up even if you aren't an experienced web developer.

But probably the real reason for neptungen was the desire to learn programming in Rust. So over time the code will hopefully get more idiomatic.

How does it work

It turns a directory tree containing one markdown file per directory into a static website. The look and feel of the generated website is controlled via liquid templates.


  • Completely written in Rust
  • Turns CommonMark into HTML5
  • Built-in gallery generator
  • Built in FTP / SFTP synchronization
  • Customizable via liquid templates
  • Page generator uses rayon :)


You can download one of the releases or build the neptungen executable yourself.

how to build neptungen Install stable rust from here and clone this repo. Finally you can use cargo to build the executable.

cd neptungen
cargo build --release

Who uses neptungen

Getting started

Create a new root folder for your website

mkdir my_new_website

Each folders beneath that root folder represents a separate page of your website. The name of such a sub-folder will be used as a label in the navigation menu.

cd my_new_website
mkdir nav1
mkdir nav2
mkdir nav3

How can you add content to a page? Well, neptungen searches for markdown files and turns them into HTML which in turn is handed over to the page template via the {{content}} variable. Markdown files must have the *.md extension.

cd nav1

Open and edit the markdown files with the markdown editor of your choice. Each folder should only contain one markdown file plus the images you reference in your markdown file.

The final step is to generate the site. Therefore cd into the root directory and run neptungen as follows:

cd ../../my_new_website
/path/to/your/neptungen_executable/neptungen build

By default the generated output can be found in the _output directory.


Galleries are similar to normal pages. Create an images sub directory within any of your page directories. Copy or symlink all relevant images into it. Create a markdown file named Neptungen will then call the gallery.liq template to generate the gallery page.

By default the images are resized to 800x600 pixels and the corresponding thumbs nails are set to 90x90 pixels. Those default settings can be overwritten via the configuration file config.toml.

Tips & Tricks

Page ordering

If you want to control the sort order of your pages you can add a numbered prefix '000_' to the folder name. So lets say you have an about folder and an home folder. By default neptungen would sort the in alphabetical order. That means home will be rendered first. By adding a numbered prefix like 1_home and 2_about neptungen will render 1_home first and then 2_about. As you would expect the numbered prefix 1_ will not be rendered.


Instead of manually deploying your web page you can use the sync subcommand of neptungen to do the job. The sync command will update a local checksums.crc file. It is located in the _output folder of your project. Neptungen will then download the checksums.crc file from your remote server. In the next step the checksum files are compared in order to determine the delta. During this process the delta will be transferred to your remote server. The transfer will be done either by FTP or SFTP depending on the ftp settings in your config.toml.


Neptungen can be tweaked with the config.toml file. It has to be put into the root directory of your project. TOML aims to be a minimal configuration file format that's easy to read due to obvious semantics. Neptungen offers the following configuration options:

title = "Here you can give your home page a name"
template_dir = "_the_name_of_the_templates_directory"
output_dir = "_name_of_the_output_directory"
copy_dirs = [ "static_dir1", "static_dir2", "static_dirN" ]

img_dir = "images"
img_width = 600
img_height = 500
thumb_width = 90
thumb_height = 90

ftp_server = ""
ftp_protocol = "Sftp"
ftp_user = "my_ftp_user"

Neptungen will also work without a config.toml. In case no config was provided default settings are used. Run the following in a project without a config.toml to see the default values.

neptungen print-config

The default template

The default template of neptungen is based on the "Web Page Template" offered by W3C schools. The next section will describe in more detail how you could design your own custom templates.

Customize your website

You don't want to use the built-in website theme? Just create a template directory and specify the path to that directory in your config.toml file (template_dir = "my_template_folder").

Neptungen needs 2 templates:

  1. A page template named page.liq
  2. A gallery template named gallery.liq

Neptungen provides the following liquid variables:

  • {{ title }}
  • {{ content }}
  • {{ root_dir }}
  • {{ page_name }}

The {{root_dir}} variable contains a relative path to your web root depending on the depth of your site structure. The other variables are quite self explanatory. A little more complex is the {{ nav_items }} collection. The following example template code show how you can use the collection to build a simple list based menu:

<nav id="main-nav" role="navigation">
    <ul id="main-menu" class="sm sm-vertical sm-blue">
            <a href="{{ root_dir }}index.html">Home</a>
        {% for item in nav_items %}
            {% if item.menu_cmd == "OpenLevel" %}
                    <a href="#">{{ }}</a>
            {% endif %}
            {% if item.menu_cmd == "CloseLevel" %}
                {% for i in (0..item.level_depth) %}
                {% endfor %}
                {% if != "" %}
                        <a href="{{ root_dir }}{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a>
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if item.menu_cmd == "CloseOpenLevel" %}
                {% for i in (0..item.level_depth) %}
                {% endfor %}
                    <a href="#">{{ }}</a>
            {% endif %}
            {% if item.menu_cmd == "None" %}
                    <a href="{{ root_dir }}{{ item.url }}">{{ }}</a>
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

Please also have a look into the examples as they are always a good starting point.


In case neptungen does not fulfill your requirements you might want to look into: