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Erik Huelsmann edited this page Sep 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

Impact assessment for moving to

Overview of provides three types of output for a specific feature file:

  1. Tokens
    A list of lines from the input file with the line-type (token-type)
  2. AST
    A hierarchical organization of matched tokens, including sub-line matching
  3. Pickles
    Based on the AST, list of scenarios and their steps to be executed

Pickles are intended to be used for running tests. The AST is intended to be used for advanced formatters (only).

Differences with

While Test::BDD::Cucumber provides full access to the scenario and feature descriptions (line number, document name, 'conditions of satisfaction', etc), doesn't provide that level of access through its Pickles output: it does provide line numbers and document location, but it doesn't provide conditions of satisfaction and other elements not required to run the tests.