Added support for pasting an image or text as a new node.
Added support for pasting an image or text, replacing the current node content.
Added support for pasting text, replacing the current connection content.
Added task support to Outliner import/export.
Added keyboard shortcut (Control-E) to display export interface.
Added support for creating a new root node hitting the Return key when no node is selected.
Added ability to add a new root node via the contextual menu when no node is selected.
Added ability to launch quick entry dialog via the contextual menu when no node is selected.
Added node alignment support for manual node layouts.
Added ability to create a connected root node.
Added ability to replace/edit nodes via the Quick Entry feature.
Added .editorconfig file.
Updated image editor dialog button bar to include support for clipboard operations.
Improved display of buttons in image area of the node inspector sidebar.
Updated keyboard shortcut cheatsheet.
Changed quick text entry keyboard shortcut from Control-E to Control-Shift-E.
Changed the paste text in contextual menu to indicate what will be pasted.
Updated Outliner import/export support for tasks.
Added tooltip and changed cursor when cursor is over a link and the Control key is held down.
Bug Fixes
Removed empty Outliner rows from being added when Outliner file is imported.
Fixed loss of selection when shift key is held down and the background is clicked.
Added themed background color to exported PDF format.
Fixed exports to allow existing files to be overwritten.
Fixed Org-Mode export syntax errors.
You can’t perform that action at this time.