Added export to yEd.
Added ability to create, edit and delete custom themes.
Added new quick entry mode, allowing node trees to be input within a text editor.
Added Control-W keyboard shortcut to close the current tab.
Added shortcut exploration help window (use F1 key to display).
New search icon which has better contrast for Minder's themed header bar (thanks to Nararyans R.I.).
New non-symbolic sidebar icon in header bar (thanks to Nararyans R.I.).
New Minder application icon which fits in with the elementary OS color scheme better (thansk to Nararyans R.I.).
New focus icon in header bar (thanks to Nararyans R.I.).
Improved styling when creating a new node/connection.
Bug Fixes
Fixed issue where separate trees in same mind-map where allowed to overlap.
Fixed node link drawing issue when using manual layout mode.
Fixed issues drawing arrows properly when straight node links were being used.
Fixed display issues with the node fill switch in the style inspector.
Fixed support for cut, copy and pasting connection title text.
Fixed keyboard shortcut for toggling focus mode.
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