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0. IOT design for clients lacking a LAN interface

This uses an ESP8266 to provide a resilient "socket-like" link between a non networked device (the client) and a server-side application. The ESP8266 runs a fixed configuration. All client-side application code resides on the client.

Communication between the client and the ESP8266 uses I2C. The client must be capable of running I2C slave mode. This includes STM boards such as the Pyboard V1.x. In this doc the client device is referred to as the Pyboard.

  1. IOT design for clients lacking a LAN interface
  2. Wiring
  3. Files
  4. Running the demo
  5. The Pyboard application
    4.1 Configuration
    4.2 Application design
    4.3 Special messages
    4.4 The AppBase class
  6. ESP8266 crash detection
  7. Quality of service
  8. Building ESP8266 firmware

1. Wiring

Firmware should be installed on the ESP8266 prior to connecting it to the Pyboard.

ESP8266 pin numbers are GPIO pins as used on the reference board. WeMos have their own numbering scheme.

Pyboard ESP8266 Notes WeMos pins
gnd gnd gnd
X9 0 I2C scl D3
X10 2 I2C sda D4
X11 5 syn D1
X12 rst reset reset
Y8 4 ack D2

Pyboard pins may be altered at will (with matching changes to The chosen pins enable hard I2C to be used but soft I2C with arbitrary pins also works. The syn and ack wires provide synchronisation and the reset line enables the Pyboard to reset the ESP8266 if it crashes and fails to respond.

I2C requires the devices to be connected via short links and to share a common ground. The sda and scl lines require pullup resistors. The chosen ESP8266 pins are equipped with pullups on most boards. If for some reason external pullups are needed, a typical value is 4.7KΩ to 3.3V.

The I2C bus employed here cannot be shared with other devices.

A common power supply is usual but not essential. If the Pyboard is powered by USB and the ESP8266 board has a voltage regulator, the ESP may be powered from the Pyboard Vin pin.

2. Installation

A Python package is used so directory structures must be maintained.

On the Pyboard

These instructions assume an installation to the SD card. If installing to flash, substitute flash for sd below.

On the Pyboard copy the directory pb_link and its contents to '/sd'. If using rshell this may be done by issuing:

cp -r pb_link /sd

Clone the async repo to your PC, navigate to v3 and copy the primitives directory to /sd:

cp -r primitives /sd

Edit iot/pb_link/ to match local conditions, notably server IP address and WiFi credentials. WiFi credentials may be empty strings if the ESP8266 has been initialised with a WiFi connection.

On the ESP8266

For reliable operation this must be compiled as frozen bytecode. For those not wishing to compile a build, the provided firmware-combined.bin may be installed with the following commands:  --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash --verify --flash_size=detect -fm dio 0 firmware-combined.bin 

Erasure is essential. The build is designed to start on boot so no further steps are required.

To compile your own build see Section 7.


The Pyboard must be running a daily build or a release build later than V1.12. This is to ensure a compatible version of uasyncio (V3).

3. Running the demo

Ensure /sd/pb_link/ matches local conditions for WiFi credentials and server IP address.

On the server navigate to the parent directory of pb_link and run

micropython -m pb_link.s_app

or (given Python 3.8 or newer):

python3 -m pb_link.s_app

On the Pyboard issue

import pb_link.pb_client

4. The Pyboard application

4.1 Configuration

There may be multiple Pyboards in a network, each using an ESP8266 with identical firmware. The file contains configuration details which are common to all Pyboards which communicate with a single server. This will require adapting for local conditions. The config list has the following entries:

  1. Port. int. Default 8123. If changing this, the server application must specify the same value to
  2. Server IP. str.
  3. Server timeout in ms int. Default 1500. If changing this, the server application must specify the same value to
  4. Report frequency int. Report to Pyboard every N seconds (0: never).
  5. SSID. str.
  6. Password. str.

If having a file with credential details is unacceptable an empty string ('') may be used in the SSID and Password fields. In this case the ESP8266 will attempt to connect to the WLAN which the device last used; if it fails there is no means of recovery and the link will fail. also provides a hardware list. This contains Pin and I2C details which may be changed. Pins are arbitrary and the I2C interface may be changed, optionally to use soft I2C. The I2C interface may not be shared with other devices. The hardware list comprises the following:

The hardware list comprises the following elements: 0. i2c The I2C interface object.

  1. syn A Pyboard Pin instance (synchronisation with ESP8266).
  2. ack Ditto.
  3. rst A reset tuple (Pin, level, pulse_length) where: Pin is the Pyboard Pin instance linked to ESP8266 reset.
    Level is 0 for the ESP8266.
    pulse_length A value of 200 is recommended (units are ms).

4.2 Application design

The code should create a class subclassed from app_base.AppBase. The base class performs initialisation. When this is complete, a .start synchronous method is called which the user class should implement.

Typically this will launch user coroutines and terminate, as in the demo.

The AppBase class has .readline and .write coroutines which comprise the interface to the ESP8266 (and thence to the server). User coros communicate thus:

    line = await self.readline()  # Read a \n terminated line from server app
    await self.write(line)  # Write a line.

The .write method will append a newline to the line if not present. The line should not contain internal newlines: it typically comprises a JSON encoded Python object.

If the WiFi suffers an outage these methods may pause for the duration.

4.3 Special messages

The ESP8266 sends messages to the Pyboard in response to changes in server status or under error conditions or because reports have been requested. These trigger asynchronous bound methods which the user may override.

4.4 The AppBase class

Constructor args:

  1. conn_id Connection ID. See below.
  2. config List retrieved from as described above.
  3. hardware List retrieved from defining the hardware interface.
  4. verbose Provide debug output.


  1. readline Read a newline-terminated line from the server.
  2. write Args: line, qos=True, wait=True. Write a line to the server. line holds a line of text. If a terminating newline is not present one will be supplied.
    If qos is set, the system guarantees delivery. If it is clear messages may (rarely) be lost in the event of an outage.__ If qos and wait are both set, a write coroutine will pause before sending until any other pending instances have received acknowledge packets. This is discussed in the main README.
  3. reboot Physically reboot the ESP8266. The system will resynchronise and resume operation.

Synchronous methods:

  1. close Shuts down the Pyboard/ESP8266 interface.

Asynchronous bound methods. These may be overridden in derived classes to modify the default behaviour.

  1. bad_wifi No args. This runs on startup and attempts to connect to WiFi using credentials stored in flash. If this fails, it attempts to connect using credentials in the config list. If this fails an OSError is raised.
  2. bad_server No args. Awaited if server refuses an initial connection. Raises an OSError.
  3. report Regularly launched if reports are requested in the config. It receives a 3-list as an arg: [connect_count, report_no, mem_free] which describes the ESP8266 status. Prints the report.
  4. server_ok Launched whenever the status of the link to the server changes, by a WiFi server outage starting or ending. Receives a single boolean arg up being the new status. Prints a message.

If a WiFi or server outage occurs, readline and write coroutines will pause for the duration.

The bad_wifi and bad_server coros run only on initialisation. Subsequent WiFi and server outages are handled transparently.

The conn_id constructor arg defines the connection ID used by the server-side application, ensuring that the Pyboard app communicates with its matching server app. ID's may be any string but newline characters should not be present except (optionally) as the last character.

Subclasses must define a synchronous start bound method. This takes no args. Typically it launches user coroutines.

5. ESP8266 crash detection

The design of the ESP8266 communication link with the server is resilient and crashes should not occur. But power outages are always possible. If a reset wire is in place there are two levels of crash recovery.

If I2C communication fails due to an ESP8266 reboot or power cycle, the underlying asynchronous link will reboot the ESP8266 and re-synchronise without the need for explicit code. This caters for the bulk of potential failures and can be verified by pressing the ESP8266 reset button while the application is running.

The driver sends periodic keepalives to the Pyboard. The AppBase pyboard client reboots the ESP8266 if these stop being received. This can be verified with a serial connection to the ESP8266 and issuing ctrl-c.

6. Quality of service

Issues relating to message integrity and latency are discussed in the main README.

Note that if the ESP8266 actually crashes all bets are off. The system will recover but message loss may occur. Three observations:

  1. In extensive testing crashes were very rare and may have had electrical causes such as noise on the power line. Only one crash was observed when powered by a battery.
  2. The ESP8266 firmware reports nearly 26K of free RAM which is substantial.
  3. A quality of service guarantee, even in the presence of crashes, may be achieved at application level using response messages. When designing such a system bear in mind that response messages may themselves be lost in the event of a crash.

7. Building ESP8266 firmware

The following instructions assume that you have the toolchain for ESP8266 and can build and install standard firmware. They also assume knowledge of the process of freezing modules and the manifest system. They are based on Linux, the only OS for which I have any remotely recent experience. If you run Windows or OSX support will comprise the suggestion of a Linux VM ;-)

Ensure your clone of the MicroPython source is up to date, and that of this repository.

Create a directory on your PC for symlinks to modules to be frozen. In my case it's called frozen. It contains symlinks (denoted ->) to the following:

  1. -> esp_link/
  2. -> esp_link/
  3. -> ports/esp8266/modules/ in source tree. The frozen directory has a subdirectory iot containing:
  4. primitives -> iot/primitives
  5. -> iot/ The iot directory has an esp_link subdirectory containing:
  6. -> esp_link/
  7. -> esp_link/
  8. an empty file created using touch.

Create a PC file containing a manifest. Mine is It should be as follows (with the path changed to your frozen directory):


I use the following build script, named buildesplink and marked executable. Adapt to ensure that MANIFEST points to your manifest file. The cd in line 8 will need to be changed to match the location of your source clone. The j 8 arg to make may also be non-optimal for your PC.

PROJECT_DIR causes the firmware build to be copied to the project root. This is done purely to maintain this repo: you can remove this and the build copy.

You may also need to adapt the two instances of --port /dev/ttyUSB0.

#! /bin/bash
# Build for ESP8266 esp_link. Enforce flash erase.


cd /mnt/qnap2/data/Projects/MicroPython/micropython/ports/esp8266

make clean
if --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash
        cp $BUILD/firmware-combined.bin $PROJECT_DIR
        sleep 1 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash --flash_size=detect -fm dio 0 $BUILD/firmware-combined.bin
        cd -
        echo Build failure
    echo Connect failure
cd -

This script erases flash for the following reasons. Erasure ensures the use of littlefs which saves RAM. It also ensures that and are created. The files and handle filesystem creation and writing out of and, but only if there is no pre-existing filesystem.