Transforms pascal code to asmjit remote assembly code. Then the code will be prepare to compile with nasm. And the result is a test.asm, and test.o file. The source code is based on msys2 MingW64 GNU C/C++
I used Bison, and Flex - which are called yacc, and flex, too, to create the Pascal-Parser. To use this Toolchain, you can use the script.
- ~# ./ -a
- ~# ./ -i
- ~# cd temp
- ~temp# ./pc.exe test.pas
- ~temp# ./diss.exe test_nasm.asm
The Generator (pc.exe) produce this assembly code (with help of script):
section .text
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 0x20
mov ecx, 0
mov rdx, Lv_Entry__lpText
mov r8, Lv_Entry__lpCapt
mov r9d, 2
call MessageBoxA
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 0x40
mov rcx, qword [rsp+0x20]
mov rdx, qword [rsp+0x28]
mov r8, qword [rsp+0x30]
mov r9, qword [rsp+0x38]
call MessageBoxA
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
; T 0x00007ff94990ca50 MessageBoxA
; T 0x00007ff645893f84 Lv_Entry__lpText
; T 0x00007ff64589404c Lv_Entry__lpCapt
; T 0x00007ff900000002 Lv_Entry__lpMsgM
db "huhuhaha"
db "mumu", 0
dd 0x2
; T 0x00007ff94990ca50 MessageBoxA
dq 0x00007ff94990ca50
And the Interpreter (diss.exe) reads the AsmJit pimped Code, and produce this one:
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// AsmJIT automatically created C++ source file.
// (c) 2023 kallup non-profit - Jens Kallup - paule32
// all rights reserved.
// only for education, and non-profit usage.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <strings.h>
# include <libintl.h> // localization
# include <iostream>
# include <sstream>
# include <cstring>
# include <string>
#include <asmjit/x86.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace asmjit;
// Signature of the generated function.
typedef int (*Func)(void);
void yyerror(const char* msg) {
std::cout << "error: " << msg << std::endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// this is our "nain" entry point of application start.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char **argv)
JitRuntime rt; // Runtime specialized for JIT code executin.
Error err;
CodeHolder code; // Holds code and relocation information.
code.init(rt.environment(), // Initialize code to matchthe JIT environment.
x86::Assembler a(&code); // Create and attach x86::Assembler to code.
Section* section_text;
err = code.newSection(§ion_text, "text", SIZE_MAX, SectionFlags::kNone, 8);
if (err)
yyerror(gettext("failed to create section: sect_text"));
Label lbl_L1 = a.newNamedLabel("L1", SIZE_MAX);
err = a.bind(lbl_L1);
if (err)
yyerror(gettext("failed bind label"));
Label lbl_L0 = a.newNamedLabel("L0", SIZE_MAX);
err = a.bind(lbl_L0);
if (err)
yyerror(gettext("failed bind label"));
Label lbl_L3 = a.newNamedLabel("L3", SIZE_MAX);
err = a.bind(lbl_L3);
if (err)
yyerror(gettext("failed bind label"));
Label lbl_L2 = a.newNamedLabel("L2", SIZE_MAX);
err = a.bind(lbl_L2);
if (err)
yyerror(gettext("failed bind label"));
Label lbl_Lv_Entry__lpText = a.newNamedLabel("Lv_Entry__lpText", SIZE_MAX);
err = a.bind(lbl_Lv_Entry__lpText);
if (err)
yyerror(gettext("failed bind label"));
Label lbl_Lv_Entry__lpCapt = a.newNamedLabel("Lv_Entry__lpCapt", SIZE_MAX);
err = a.bind(lbl_Lv_Entry__lpCapt);
if (err)
yyerror(gettext("failed bind label"));
Label lbl_Lv_Entry__lpMsgM = a.newNamedLabel("Lv_Entry__lpMsgM", SIZE_MAX);
err = a.bind(lbl_Lv_Entry__lpMsgM);
if (err)
yyerror(gettext("failed bind label"));
Label lbl_MessageBoxA = a.newNamedLabel("MessageBoxA", SIZE_MAX);
err = a.bind(lbl_MessageBoxA);
if (err)
yyerror(gettext("failed bind label"));, 2);
// ==== x86::Assembler is no longer needed from here, and we can destroyed ====
Func fn; // Holds address to the generated function.
err = rt.add(&fn, &code); // Add the generated code to run
if (err) // Handle a possible error returbed by asmjit.
yyerror(gettext("failed added function"));
// ==== CodeHolder is no longer needed from here, and we can destroyed ====
int result = fn(); // Execute the generated code.
printf("%d\n", result); // Print the result.
// All classes use RAII, all resources will be released before `main()` returns,
// the generated function can be, however, released explicitly if you intend to
// reuse or keep the runtime alive, which you should in a production-ready code.