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Spring Oauth2 EasyPlus

App-Token based easy OAuth2 implementation built to grow with Spring Boot

Table of Contents

Quick Start



  • Complete separation of the library and the client
    • Library : API
    • Client : DOC, Integration tester
  • Use JPA for various databases to gain full control over all tokens and permissions, unlike simple in-memory examples.
  • Extensible: Supports multiple authorization servers and resource servers with this library.
  • Hybrid Resource Servers Token Verification Methods: Support for multiple verification approaches, including API calls to the authorization server, direct database validation, and local JWT decoding.
  • Immediate Permission (Authority) Check: Not limited to verifying the token itself, but also ensuring real-time validation of any updates to permissions in the database.
  • Authentication management based on a combination of Username, client ID, and App-Token
    • What is an App-Token?
      • An App-Token is an additional token that serves as a unique identifier for each device. Unlike access tokens, it is not regenerated with each login. Instead, it uses a device-specific unique value, such as a GUID in Android, to control device-level authentication, even when the app is reinstalled. If the token values are the same, the same access token is shared.
App-Token Status Access Token Behavior
same for the same user Access-Token is shared
different for the same user Access-Token is NOT shared
  • Set this in your
    • App-Token Behavior Based on
no-app-token-same-access-token Value App-Token Status Access Token Sharing Behavior
true App-Token is null for the same user Same user with a null App-Token shares the same access token across multiple logins.
false App-Token is null for the same user Even if the App-Token is null, the same user will receive a new access token for each login.
- App-Token is shared for the same user Access tokens will not be shared. A new access token is generated for each unique App-Token, even for the same user.
- App-Token is NOT shared for the same user Each unique App-Token generates a new access token for the same user.
  • Separated UserDetails implementation for Admin and Customer roles as an example. (This can be extended such as Admin, Customer, Seller and Buyer... by implementing UserDetailsServiceFactory)
  • Authorization Code Flow with Optional PKCE, Authorization Consent and Single Page Application (XMLHttpRequest)
  • ROPC for scenarios where accessing a browser screen on the server is either unavailable or impractical
  • Application of Spring Rest Docs, Postman payloads provided
  • Set up the same access & refresh token APIs on both /oauth2/token and on our controller layer such as /api/v1/traditional-oauth/token, both of which function same and have the same request & response payloads for success and errors. (However, /oauth2/token is the standard that "spring-authorization-server" provides.)
    • As you are aware, the API /oauth2/token(Recommended) is what "spring-authorization-server" provides.
      • /api/v1/traditional-oauth/token(Easily Customizable) is what this library implemented directly.

        • Success Payload
             "access_token" : "Vd4x8D4lDg7VBFh...",
             "token_type" : "Bearer",
             "refresh_token" : "m3UgLrvPtXKdy7jiD...",
             "expires_in" : 3469,
             "scope" : "read write"
        • Error Payload (Customizable)
              "timestamp": 1719470948370,
              "message": "Couldn't find the client ID : client_admin", // Sensitive info such as being thrown from StackTraces
              "details": "uri=/oauth2/token",
              "userMessage": "Authentication failed. Please check your credentials.",
              "userValidationMessage": null
        • In the following error payload, the 'message' shouldn't be exposed to clients; instead, the 'userMessage' should be.
        • Definitely, you can customize the payload sent to the client by implementing AuthenticationFailureHandler.
  • See the sample folder com.patternhelloworld.securityhelper.oauth2.client.config.securityimpl to understand how to implement the library.


Category Dependencies
Backend-Language Java 17
Backend-Framework Spring Boot 3.3.2
Main Libraries Spring Security 6.3.1, Spring Security Authorization Server 1.3.1, JPA
Package-Manager Maven 3.6.3 (mvnw, Dockerfile)
RDBMS Mysql 8.0.17

Run the App

Import the SQL file in the mysql folder.

Install Maven

# Do NOT use your latest Maven version, but mvnw here or one with the same version.
cd lib
mvnw clean install
cd ..
cd client
mvnw clean install # Integration tests are done here, which creates docs by Spring-Rest-Doc.
  • Run the client module by running SpringSecurityOauth2PasswordJpaImplApplication in the client.
  • The API information is found on http://localhost:8370/docs/api-app.html, managed by Spring Rest Doc


  • In case you use IntelliJ, I recommend creating an empty project and importing the API (root) module and client module separately.
  • The client module definitely consumes the API module, but not vice versa.

API Guide


  • See the client folder.
  • As the Api module consumes JPA, adding it to Beans is required.
// Add 'io.github.patternhelloworld.securityhelper.oauth2.api'
@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages =  {"com.patternhelloworld.securityhelper.oauth2.client", "io.github.patternhelloworld.securityhelper.oauth2.api"})
public class SpringSecurityOauth2PasswordJpaImplApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

// ADD ''
        basePackages = {"com.patternhelloworld.securityhelper.oauth2.client.domain",
        entityManagerFactoryRef = "commonEntityManagerFactory",
        transactionManagerRef= "commonTransactionManager"
public class CommonDataSourceConfiguration {

   // ADD ''
    @Bean(name = "commonEntityManagerFactory")
    public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean commonEntityManagerFactory(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder) {
        return builder



  • As indicated, the client folder demonstrates how to use this library.

"Mandatory" settings

  • The only mandatory setting is client.config.securityimpl.service.userdetail.CustomUserDetailsServiceFactory. The rest depend on your specific situation.

"Customizable" settings

  • Insert your code when events happen such as tokens created

    • SecurityPointCut
    • See the source code in client.config.securityimpl.aop
  • Register error user messages as desired

    • ISecurityUserExceptionMessageService
    • See the source code in client.config.securityimpl.message
  • Customize the whole error payload as desired for all cases

    • What is "all cases"?
      • Authorization Server ("/oauth2/token", "/api/v1/traditional-oauth/token") and Resource Server (Bearer token authentication : 401, authorization (permission) : 403)
    • Customize errors of the following cases
      • Login (/oauth2/token) : client.config.securityimpl.response.CustomAuthenticationFailureHandlerImpl
      • Login (/api/v1/traditional-oauth/token) : client.config.response.error.GlobalExceptionHandler.authenticationException ("/api/v1/traditional-oauth/token", Resource Server (Bearer token inspection))
      • Resource Server (Bearer token expired or with a wrong value, 401) :client.config.securityimpl.response.CustomAuthenticationEntryPointImpl
      • Resource Server (Permission, 403, @PreAuthorized on your APIs) client.config.response.error.GlobalExceptionHandler.authorizationException
  • Customize the whole success payload as desired for the only "/oauth2/token"

    • client.config.securityimpl.response.CustomAuthenticationSuccessHandlerImpl
    • The success response payload of "/api/v1/traditional-oauth/token" is in api.domain.traditionaloauth.dto and is not yet customizable.
  • Customize the verification logic for UsernamePassword and Client as desired

    • IOauth2AuthenticationHashCheckService
  • Customize OpaqueTokenIntrospector as desired (!This is for Resource Servers)

    • client.config.securityimpl.introspector.CustomResourceServerTokenIntrospector
    •     # Introspection type configuration:
          # - api: The Resource Server sends introspection requests to the Authorization Server.
          #        Benefits: High scalability and real-time authorization checks.
          #        Drawbacks: Increased traffic due to frequent API calls.
          # - database: The Resource Server and Authorization Server share the same database.
          #             Benefits: Minimal traffic and real-time authorization checks.
          #             Drawbacks: Limited scalability due to direct database dependency.
          # - decode: The Resource Server decodes the Access Token locally using the JWT algorithm.
          #           Benefits: No traffic and high scalability.
          #           Drawbacks: Lacks real-time authorization updates.
          # [WARNING] api: Certain test cases are currently failing due to issues with the specified introspection URI calls.

OAuth2 - ROPC

  • Refer to client/src/docs/asciidoc/api-app.adoc

OAuth2 - Authorization Code

  • How to set it up
    1. Create your own login page with the /login route as indicated in the client project (In the future, this address will be customisable):
      public class LoginWeb {
          public String loginPage() {
          return "login";
    1. Check the login page at the "resources/templates/login.hml"
    2. Ensure the callback URL (http://localhost:8081/callback1) is properly set in the oauth2_registered_client table in the database.
  • How to use
    1. Open the web browser by connecting to http://localhost:8370/oauth2/authorize?client_id=client_customer&state=xxx&scope=read&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8081%2Fcallback1&code_challenge=HVoKJYs8JruAxs7hKcG4oLpJXCP-z1jJQtXpQte6GyA&code_challenge_method=S256, using the values from the oauth2_registered_client
      • PKCE (code_challege, code_challege_METHOD) is optional.
      • PKCE adds a Code Verifier and a Code Challenge to the flow, enhancing the Authorization Code Grant Flow by preventing the issuance of an Access Token if the Authorization Code is compromised.
    2. Login with [email protected] / 1234
    3. You will be redirected to https://localhost:8081/callback1?code=215e9539-1dcb-4843-b1ea-b2d7be0a3c44&state=xxx
      • However, if patternhelloworld.securityhelper.authorization-code.consent=Yis set in, it will be redirected to the consent page.
    4. You can login with the API in the Postman
      • img4.png
      • code_verifier sample : EAp91aanXdoMcoOc2Il55H3UDDIV909k9olEEcl6L24J6_9X

Running this App with Docker

Contribution Guide

  • You can create a pull request directly to the main branch.
  • Integration tests in the client folder are sufficient for now, but you may add more if necessary.
  • There is a lack of unit tests, so contributions to unit test code are welcome, which will help improve the overall codebase.