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Setting up your environment, for making contributions

MonicaGran edited this page Jul 27, 2017 · 7 revisions

Setting up the GitHub environment, for patternfly-design, is something you should only need to do once.

In GitHub

  1. First, you will need to register for an account on GitHub or sign in to GitHub.
  2. Then go to the PatternFly-Design Repo on GitHub
  3. Click on Fork in the top right corner of the patternfly-design, GitHub page.
  • If it asks Where should we fork this repository?, you will want to fork it to your personal GitHub account, "your_github_name_/patternfly-design".

Creating a fork on GitHub


  1. Download SourceTree
  2. Open the SourceTree App (create an account if necessary or sign in with google. Your Jira account will not work)
  3. On the Connect an account page, select GitHub and sign in with your GitHub credentials, then click Continue

Signing into Github from SourceTree

  1. On the Clone a repository page, scroll until you see the line named <yourgithubusername>/patternfly-design and select it.
  2. In the Destination field, type or browse for the folder in which you would like to store your local copy of patternfly-design. Next, click Clone.

Cloning a repository in SourceTree

  1. SourceTree will present you with a list of your repositories. Make sure you are on the Local tab and double click on your patternfly-design repository.

Viewing a local repository

  1. Go to Repository > Add Remote

Adding a remote repository

  • Name it upstream (make sure to use lowercase) and paste in the URL
  • Note: upstream is the main repository and origin is your personal fork

Adding a remote repository

  1. Click on the Fetch button, then click OK

Fetching in SourceTree

You're ready to start making contributions!