Execute and convert Jupyter notebooks to html with embedded environment specifications.
Inspired by the kaggle commit function, this script executes a Jupyter notebook, attaches package specfications from the conda environment and exports everything as a single html file. Jupyter nbconvert is used to execute and convert the notebook.
You can install the package directly from github via pip:
conda install git pip pip install git+https://github.com/patkwee/freezenb
The command 'freezenb' will be installed in your environment.
$ freezenb --help usage: freezenb [-h] [--version] [-v] [-vv] filename [out]
Execute and convert a jupyter notebook to html
- positional arguments:
- filename Jupyter notebook filename out Output filename
- optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit -v, --verbose set loglevel to INFO -vv, --very-verbose set loglevel to DEBUG
To convert the notebook 'my_notebook.ipynb' run:
$ freezenb my_notebook.ipynb