Voting wars, a project to teach dockerizing distributed microservices.
The configuration of the application is handled through environment variables using sane default values to enable local development.
- RABBITMQ_HOST - [default: localhost] The host address of rabbitmq.
- RABBITMQ_PORT - [default: 5672] The port number rabbitmq is hosted on.
- RABBITMQ_USERNAME - [default: guest] The username for rabbitmq login.
- RABBITMQ_PASSWORD - [defautl: guest] The password associated with the given username.
- RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE - [default: votes] The rabbitmq exchange to send queued messages to.
- REDIS_HOST - [default: localhost] Hostname of the redis server.
- REDIS_PORT - [default: 6379] The port number redis is hosted on.
- REDIS_DB - [default: 0] Which database to use inside redis.
- Create a new python virtual envrionment
- Install the necessary requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- From the top level directory, install the application with
pip install -e .
- Run the application by calling the entrypoint script
Note: For more effective local dev experience, start a rabbitmq and redis server locally with default configuration options