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Puppet In Kubernetes

This project is a fork of Pupperware. It aims to combine the it with the best parts of puppet-in-docker.

Run a container-based deployment of Puppet Infrastructure.

To get started, you will need an installation of Docker Compose on the host on which you will run your Puppet Infrastructure.


If you have Vagrant and VirtualBox installed and working on windows, you can just clone this repo and run vagrant up. It works best when you have the the same versions of vagrant cli in wsl and vagrant in windows working together. To do this, read this

Vagrant + Docker Compose

    git clone
    cd puppet-in-kubernetes

    $EDITOR .env

    vagrant up dockercompose --provision

Vagrant + Kubernetes

Once you've tested your puppet server setup you can now install it into kubernetes:

    cd puppet-in-kubernetes
    $EDITOR .env
    vagrant up

Running Puppet Infrastructure in Kubernetes is available as a helm chart from Puppet Labs. It doesn't have the eyaml and webhook features this module does. We may make our own chart soon.

To get started with that, you will need a running K8s cluster with Helm deployed.

The Puppet Labs, Inc. Helm chart is here. It's hosted as a Helm chart here and published in the fantastic Helm Hub and Artifact Hub. The latter will allow you to make use of it by just adding the repo in your configured Helm repos.

Docker Compose

If you want to skip vagrant, just do this:

    git clone
    cd puppet-in-kubernetes
    docker-compose up -d
    docker-compose logs -f

Required versions

  • Docker Compose - must support version: '3' of the compose file format, which requires Docker Engine 1.13.0+. Full compatibility matrix
    • Linux is tested with docker-compose 1.22
    • Windows is tested with docker-compose version 1.26.0-rc3, build 46118bc5
    • OSX is tested with docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01
  • Docker Engine support is only tested on versions newer than 17.09.0-ce
    • Linux is tested with (client and server) 17.09.0-ce using API version 1.32 (Git commit: afdb6d4)
    • Windows is tested with Docker Desktop Edge on Windows 10 2004 with WSL2 and Ubuntu 18.04
      • Client 19.03.8 using API version 1.40 (Git commit: afacb8b)
      • Server 19.03.8 using API version 1.40 (minimum version 1.12) (Git commit: afacb8b) with Experimental: true
    • OSX is tested during development with Docker Engine - Community edition
      • Client 18.09.1 using API version 1.39 (Git commit: 4c52b90)
      • Server 18.09.1 using API version 1.39 (minimum version 1.12) (Git commit: 4c52b90)


The provisioning command above will result in errors from the webhook container and so it is recommended at you put these values in your .env file before running docker-compose up:

Name Usage / Default
EYAML_PRIVATE_BASE64 The base64 encoded contents of your private pkcs7 pem
EYAML_PUBLIC_BASE64 The base64 encoded contents of your public pkcs7 pem
HIERA_BASE64 The base64 encoded contents of your hiera.yaml file
R10K_CONTROL_REPO The ssh url to your git repo containing your Puppetfile branches
R10K_HIERA_REPO The ssh url to your git repo containing your Hiera branches
R10K_DEPLOY_KEY The base64 encoded contents of your ssh deploy key granted access to your r10k repos
PUPPETSERVER_HOSTNAME The DNS name used on the masters SSL certificate - sets the certname and server in puppet.conf

Defaults to unset.
DNS_ALT_NAMES Additional DNS names to add to the masters SSL certificate
Note only effective on initial run when certificates are generated
PUPPET_MASTERPORT The port of the puppet master

AUTOSIGN Whether or not to enable autosigning on the puppetserver instance. Valid values match [true
CA_ENABLED Whether or not this puppetserver instance has a running CA (Certificate Authority)

CA_HOSTNAME The DNS hostname for the puppetserver running the CA. Does nothing unless CA_ENABLED=false

CA_MASTERPORT The listening port of the CA. Does nothing unless CA_ENABLED=false

CA_ALLOW_SUBJECT_ALT_NAMES Whether or not SSL certificates containing Subject Alternative Names should be signed by the CA. Does nothing unless CA_ENABLED=true.

PUPPET_REPORTS Sets reports in puppet.conf

PUPPET_STORECONFIGS Sets storeconfigs in puppet.conf

PUPPET_STORECONFIGS_BACKEND Sets storeconfigs_backend in puppet.conf

PUPPETDB_SERVER_URLS The server_urls to set in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppetdb.conf

USE_PUPPETDB Whether to connect to puppetdb
Sets PUPPET_REPORTS to log and PUPPET_STORECONFIGS to false if those unset

PUPPETSERVER_MAX_ACTIVE_INSTANCES The maximum number of JRuby instances allowed

PUPPETSERVER_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_INSTANCE The maximum HTTP requests a JRuby instance will handle in its lifetime (disable instance flushing)

PUPPETSERVER_JAVA_ARGS Arguments passed directly to the JVM when starting the service

-Xms512m -Xmx512m
ANALYTICS_ENABLED Set to true to enable Google Analytics


An example .env file looks like this.

# Required

R10K_CONTROL_REPO=ssh:// # use ssh
R10K_DEPLOY_KEY_BASE64=fullyunquotedbase64id_rsafilecontents # This is your deploy key

# Optional
R10K_HIERA_REPO=ssh:// #use ssh


The value of DNS_ALT_NAMES must list all the names, as a comma-separated list, under which the Puppet server in the stack can be reached from agents. It will have puppet prepended to it as that name is used by PuppetDB to communicate with the Puppet server. The value of DNS_ALT_NAMES only has an effect the first time you start the stack, as it is placed into the server's SSL certificate. If you need to change it after that, you will need to properly revoke the server's certificate and restart the stack with the changed DNS_ALT_NAMES value.

When you first start the Puppet Infrastructure, the stack will create a number of Docker volumes to store the persistent data that should survive the restart of your infrastructure. The actual location on disk of these volumes may be examined with the docker inspect command. The following volumes include:

  • puppetserver-code: the Puppet code directory.
  • puppetserver-config: Puppet configuration files, including puppet/ssl/ containing certificates for your infrastructure. This volume is populated with default configuration files if they are not present when the stack starts up.
  • puppetdb-ssl: certificates in use by the PuppetDB instance in the stack.
  • puppetdb-postgres: the data files for the PostgreSQL instance used by PuppetDB
  • puppetserver-data: persistent data for Puppet Server

Container Versions

By default, the puppetserver and puppetdb containers will use the latest tag. PUPPETSERVER_VERSION and PUPPETDB_VERSION environment variables have been added to the compose file so you can pin versions if you need to by setting those on the command line, or in a .env file.

PuppetInKubernetes on Windows (using WSL2)

Complete instructions for provisiong a server with WSL2 support are in

Creating the stack from PowerShell is nearly identical to other platforms, aside from how environment variables are declared:


PS> docker-compose up
Creating network "puppetinkubernetes_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "puppetinkubernetes_puppetserver-code" with default driver
Creating volume "puppetinkubernetes_puppetserver-config" with default driver
Creating volume "puppetinkubernetes_puppetserver-data" with default driver
Creating volume "puppetinkubernetes_puppetdb-ssl" with default driver
Creating volume "puppetinkubernetes_puppetdb-postgres" with default driver
Creating puppetinkubernetes_postgres_1 ...

Creating puppetinkubernetes_puppet_1   ...

Creating puppetinkubernetes_puppet_1   ... done

Creating puppetinkubernetes_postgres_1 ... done

Creating puppetinkubernetes_puppetdb_1 ...

Creating puppetinkubernetes_puppetdb_1 ... done


To delete the stack:

PS> docker-compose down
Removing network puppetinkubernetes_default

Managing the stack

The script bin/puppet (or bin\puppet.ps1 on Windows) makes it easy to run puppet commands on the puppet master. For example, ./bin/puppet config print autosign --section master prints the current setting for autosigning, which is true by default. In a similar manner, any other task that you would perform on a puppet master by running puppet x y z ... can be achieved against the stack by running ./bin/puppet x y z ....

There is also a similar script providing easy access to puppetserver commands. This is particularly useful for CA and cert management via the ca subcommand.

Changing postgresql password

The postgresql instance uses password authentication for communication with the puppetdb instance. If you need to change the postgresql password, you'll need to do the following:

  • update the password in postgresql: docker-compose exec postgres /bin/bash -c "psql -U \$POSTGRES_USER -c \"ALTER USER \$POSTGRES_USER PASSWORD '$dbpassword'\";"
  • update values for PUPPETDB_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_PASSWORD in docker-compose.yml
  • rebuild and restart containers affected by these changes: docker-compose up --detach --build

Running tests

Running tests locally

This repo contains some simple tests that can be run with RSpec. To run these tests you need to have Ruby, Docker, and Docker Compose installed on the machine where you're running the tests. The tests depend on the 'rspec' and 'json' rubygems. The tests are known to run on at least ruby 1.9.3-p551 and as new as ruby 2.4.3p205.

NOTE These tests will start and stop the cluster running from the current checkout, so be careful where you run them from.

To run the tests:

  1. bundle install --with test
  2. bundle exec rspec spec


The containers used in are generated based on dockerfiles in the repos for puppetserver and puppetdb. Published containers can be found on dockerhub.

Analytics Data Collection

The Puppet owned containers run in the stack collect usage data. You can opt out of providing this data.

What data is collected?

  • Version of the puppetserver container.
  • Version of the puppetdb container.
  • Anonymized IP address is used by Google Analytics for Geolocation data, but the IP address is not collected.

Why do we collect data?

We collect data to help us understand how the containers are used and make decisions about upcoming changes.

How can I opt out of container data collection?

Create a .env file in this directory with the contents:


This file is in the .gitignore file and will not be managed or changed. It is used only when you're running tests with docker-compose.

When running in kubernetes, you may have to copy the contents of this file into your kustomize.yaml appropriatly. Samples are in the kubernetes folder.


See LICENSE file.

Issue Tracking

Please report any issues as GitHub issues in this repo.

Contact us!

If you have questions or comments about this project, feel free to send a message to patchshorts hat gmail got com. You could probably get help with this on from people who use pupperware as this project is a fork of that project. So you may find help by reaching out in the #puppet channel in the puppet community slack.


Goal: to run a working puppet statck within kubernetes.








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