- Ubuntu installation with Gnome and hard drive encryption (minimal installation is enough)
- Ubuntu version 22.04 (others might work too, but they are not tested)
- open a new terminal
- copy and run this command:
wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pascalbe-dev/ubuntu-os-setup/master/install.sh | bash
- open a new terminal
- copy and run this command:
ansible-playbook developer-ubuntu.yml --ask-become-pass
- log out and back in again
- adjust the display alignment if you are using multiple displays
- login to the following tools
- Gnome Online Accounts (for calendar, ...)
- Google chrome browser profiles
- Mailspring
- Spotify
- WhatsApp Web
- Slack
- copy your ssh key to the services you want to access (e.g. Github)
- add your custom Autokey texts
- clone the git repositories you need
- sync the settings for the following tools
- adjust the configuration the Ulauncher extensions
- ulauncher-todoist-capture
- ulauncher-toggl
- adjust the mvn settings if you want to pull artifacts from private registries
- use the wallpaper from the pictures