The Wikimedia Commons Android app allows users to upload pictures from their Android phone/tablet to Wikimedia Commons. Download the app here, or view our website.
Initially started by the Wikimedia Foundation, this app is now maintained by grantees and volunteers of the Wikimedia community. Anyone is welcome to improve it, just choose among the open issues and send us a pull request :-)
We try to have an extensive documentation at our wiki here at Github:
- Picasso
- RSS-Parser
- ViewPagerIndicator
- PhotoView
- Acra
- Renderers
- Gson
- Timber
- Java-String-Similarity
- ReadMoreTextView
- MaterialShowcaseView
- Butterknife
- OKHttp
- Okio
- RxJava
- JSoup
- Fresco
- Stetho
- Dagger
- AndroidSVG
- Java-HTTP-Fluent
- CircleProgressBar
- Glide
- Leak Canary
This software is open source, licensed under the Apache License 2.0.