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Gileade Kelvin edited this page Jun 17, 2021 · 1 revision

How to extract events [desatualizado]

How it works


All events are listed in R/config/environment_senado.R and R/config/environment_camara.R, in the following format:

"eventos": [
    {"evento": "apresentacao_pl", "regex": "^este processo contem"},
    {"evento": "recebimento_comissao", "regex": "recebido na|nesta comissao"},
    {"evento": "aprovacao_parecer", "code": 89},
    {"evento": "designado_relator", "code": 91},

When an event can be tracked in the passage bill by the id, the json object will have the field code, when can be only tracked by the text on the bill passage, the field will be the regex.

How it works


In progress


In R/camara-lib.R, the function extract_events_in_camara() is responsible for extracting events from the passage bill dataframe, using the R/config/environment_camara.R to identify the events.

After identifying the events, returns the dataframe received earlier with a new column that contain all events that occurred in that bill passage.