Pomodoro Timer
A classic Pomodoro Timer inspired by the Pomodoro Technique which is a time management system designed by Francesco Cirillo to increase productivity.
- set the Focus Timer
- set the Break Timer
When the Focus Timer runs out and the loading bar fills completely your Break Time starts! Time to focus!
Live Link -> https://parksthecoder.github.io/Pomodoro_Timer/
React Component Structure
- index.js - Entry point into React Application
- App.js - Includes Pomodoro App
- /pomodoro/Pomodoro.js
- sends changeTime={changeTime} getTime={getTime} mode="focus" to Initialize.js;
- sends playPause={playPause} get={get} stop={stop} to StartStop.js
- sends getTime={getTime} get={get} to FocusTimer.js
- sends get={get} to Progress.js
- /utils/useInterval.js - if timeRemaning is 0 play a sound
- /Pomodoro/Initialize.js - receives changeTime={changeTime} getTime={getTime} mode="focus" from Pomodoro.js
- /Pomodoro/StartStop.js - receives playPause={playPause} get={get} stop={stop} from Pomodoro.js
- /utils/class-names.js
- /Pomodoro/FocusTimer.js - receives getTime={getTime} get={get} from Pomodoro.js
- /Pomodoro/Progress.js - receives get={get} from Pomodoro.js
- App.js - Includes Pomodoro App