You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 15
The palava protocol is JSON based and in the original palava-client and palava-machine transferred via websockets.
Me -> Server:
event: 'join_room',
room_id: 'room_name',
status: some_status_object*
Server -> Me:
event: 'joined_room',
own_id: my_signaling_id,
peers: [ {
peer_id: peers_signaling_id,
status: some_status_object
} ]
Server -> Others:
event: 'new_peer',
peer_id: id_of_new_peer
status: some_status_object*
Leaving is done implicitly by closing the (e.g. websocket) connection to the server.
Server -> Others:
event: 'peer_left'
sender_id: id_of_left_peer
As recipient of these messages, you get only the data-object extended by the server with a sender_id attribute.
Exchange of an ICE candidate (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc5245.txt):
event: 'send_to_peer',
peer_id: id_of_recipient,
data: {
event: 'ice_candidate',
sdpmlineindex: icecandidate.sdpMLineIndex,
sdpmid: icecandidate.sdpMid,
candidate: icecandidate.candidate
"icecandidate" is an RTCIceCandidate object that you can get via the onicecandidate callback of an RTCPeerConnection.
Sending an offer (with a RTCSessionDescription):
event: 'send_to_peer',
peer_id: id_of_recipient,
data: {
event: 'offer'
sdp: session_description_string
Sending an answer (with a RTCSessionDescription):
event: 'send_to_peer',
peer_id: id_of_recipient,
data: {
event: 'answer'
sdp: session_description_string
- the status object
Example status object:
user_agent = "firefox",
name: 'shown user name"
The user_agent may be 'firefox' or 'chrome' (for chrome and opera)
Me -> Server:
event: 'update_status'
status: some_status_object
Server -> Others:
event: 'peer_updated_status'
sender_id: id_of_peer
status: some_status_object
Server -> Me:
event: 'error',
Server -> Me:
event: 'shutdown'