SelfCare's application which allows users to see the parties to which belongs and their configured products:
- Admin users can list, add and edit other users.
- Admin users can list, add and edit groups of users.
This application makes use of some micro-frontends built using Webpack 5's module federation.
The micro-frontends used are:
- (selfcare-dashboard-users-microfrontend)[] to handle the management of the users
- (selfcare-dashboard-groups-microfrontend)[] to handle the management of the groups of users
This application represents the container app for some remotes pages/components and provide to them some shared data having shared types.
An enum containing the possible onboarding status for the parties/users/products:
Value | Description |
PENDING | An onboarding has been requested, but not completed |
ACTIVE | A complete and valid onboarding |
SUSPENDED | The relationship between party/product/user has been suspended |
An enum containing the possible Selc roles:
Value | Description |
ADMIN | Users having admin rights on the party/product |
LIMITED | Users having limited rights on the party/product (tech operators) |
An enum containing the possible Party roles:
Value | Description |
MANAGER | The manager, or the person having firm and ADMIN rights |
DELEGATE | A delegate of the manager having ADMIN rights |
SUB_DELEGATE | A delegate having ADMIN rights |
OPERATOR | An allowed user having LIMITED rights |
It contains party's info, onboarding status and the selc role of the current user:
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
partyId | string | Y | The party's id |
externalId | string | Y | The external id |
originId | string | Y | The origin id |
description | string | Y | The party's name |
digitalAddress | string | Y | The party's PEC |
fiscalCode | string | Y | The party's tax code |
status | UserStatus | Y | The current users's onboarding status inside the party |
userRole | UserRole | Y | The user Selc role inside the party |
category | string | N | The party's category |
urlLogo | string | N | The party's url logo |
It contains product's info, onboarding status and the selc role of the current user:
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
id | string | Y | The product's id |
title | string | Y | The product's name |
description | string | Y | The product's description |
logo | string | N | The product's logo url |
urlBO | string | Y | The product's url to its backoffice |
urlPublic | string | N | The product's url to an informative page |
status | `'ACTIVE' | 'INACTIVE' | 'PENDING'` |
userRole | UserRole | N | The user Selc role for the product. Mandatory if the product is active |
authorized | boolean | Y | If the current user is authorized to the current product |
It contains data related to one of the possible product roles
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
productId | string | Y | The product's id |
selcRole | UserRole | Y | The mapped selc role |
partyRole | PartyRole | Y | The mapped party role |
productRole | string | Y | The product specific product role code |
title | string | Y | The product specific product role title |
description | string | Y | The product specific product role description |
multiroleAllowed | boolean | Y | If true, this selcRole allow the association of more than one productRole |
For a selected product, it will contains the list of its roles and some usefull aggregation
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
list | Array<ProductRole> |
Y | The product's flat list of roles |
groupByPartyRole | { [partyRole in PartyRole]: Array<ProductRole> } |
Y | The product's list of roles grouped by PartyRole |
groupBySelcRole | { [selcRole in UserRole]: Array<ProductRole> } |
Y | The product's list of roles grouped by UserRole |
groupByProductRole | { [productRole: string]: Array<ProductRole> } |
Y | A map to transcode the productRole code to its ProductRole configuration |
Remote micro-components need the following Props:
Props shared with each type of micro-components:
Prop | Type | Mandatory | Description |
history | History | Y | The react-router history used by the container app |
theme | Theme | Y | The mui Theme used by the container app |
store | Store<any, any> |
Y | The react-redux store used by the container app |
The following props, together with the micro-components props are to be provided to all the dashboard pages served by remotes micro-frontends:
Prop | Type | Mandatory | Description |
party | Party | Y | The selected Party |
products | Array<Product> |
Y | The complete list of Product related to the selected party (active and pending) in case of ADMIN user, otherwise just the authorized products |
activeProducts | Array<Product> |
Y | The list of active Product, also not authorized in case of ADMIN |
productsMap | { [productId: string]: Product } |
Y | A map to transcode productId into a Product |
decorators | DashboardDecoratorsType | Y | A set of decorators that each configured Page could use in order to retrieve Parties and Products extra data |
Each decorator has the purpose to retrieve some extra data and:
- Has the type
(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<any>) => React.ComponentType<any>
- Represents a decorator that retrieve and provide some Props to the decorated component
A decorator usable by all the dashboard pages in order to provide the following Props:
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
productsRolesMap | [productId: string]: ProductRolesLists |
Y | A map containing the mapping between productId and its (ProductRolesLists)[#productroleslists] |
A decorator usable by the dashboard pages having productId as path variable in the configured route in order to provide the following Props:
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
selectedProduct | Product | Y | The Product selected through the productId path variable |
fetchSelectedProductRoles | (product: Product) => Promise<ProductRolesLists> |
Y | A function to retrieve the (ProductRolesLists)[#productroleslists] associated to the current product |
A decorator usable by the dashboard pages after the resolution of the selected product in order to fetch immediately and serve its (ProductRolesLists)[#productroleslists]:
Field | Type | Mandatory | Description |
productRolesList | ProductRolesLists | Y | The (ProductRolesLists)[#productroleslists] associated to the current product |
It can be combined with withSelectedProduct in the following way:
- yarn install
- yarn generate
- yarn start
The remote components should be put into execution locally or use the following environment variable to customize their URL:
- yarn build
Ensure you have Yarn and Node.js installed on your machine. You can check their installation by running:
- node -v
- yarn -v
- cd e2e
- yarn install
- yarn playwright test