This is a Knapsack API for stress analysis and benchmarking.
This server was scaffolded with oas-wizard, oas-tools and oas-generator; knapsack algorithm is taken from devfacet.
There is a on-line demo deployment available at:
If you have docker, you can use it out of the box: docker run -p 12345:80 -d pafmon/ks-api
to run the container at port 12345
To run the server, just use:
npm install
npm start
Then, if running in localhost, you can check the swagger UI doc portal in: http://localhost:8080/
In order to send a request, either GET or POST can be used:
POST /api/v1/stress
"problem": "knapsack",
"parameters": [
"id": "itemNumber",
"value": 100000
"id": "maxWeight",
"value": 100000
"config": {
"maxMemory": -1,
"maxTime": -1
GET /api/v1/stress/10000/10
would generate and solve a knapsack problem with 10000 items (each of them with a random weight up to 10).
In order to solve a given knapsak problem you should send a POST to /api/v1/problems
POST /api/v1/problems
"id": "KSProblem",
"problem": {
"items": [{
"item": "item1",
"value": 3
"item": "item2",
"value": 2
"item": "item3",
"value": 3
"item": "item4",
"value": 2
"item": "item5",
"value": 1
"item": "item6",
"value": 2
"size": 10
will get:
"id": "KSProblem",
"problem": {
"items": [
"item": "item1",
"value": 3
"item": "item2",
"value": 2
"item": "item3",
"value": 3
"item": "item4",
"value": 2
"item": "item5",
"value": 1
"item": "item6",
"value": 2
"size": 10
"solution": {
"items": [
"item": "item1",
"value": 3
"item": "item3",
"value": 3
"item": "item2",
"value": 2
"item": "item4",
"value": 2
"size": 10,
"stats": {
"solvingTime": "0.40689898681640624ms"