A Command-line tool which leverages the Tenable.io API to reduce the time it takes to get information that is common during remediation or a troubleshooting event
In order to get going you need to add your API keys!
python3 Navi.py new keys
Each command has two parts: the Command and the Option/Request. There are four core commands: get, scan, post and ip address. When inputting a single ip address you can query plugins by supplying the plugin ID or one of the built in options denoted by a letter.
- N - Netstat
- T - Trace Rt
- P - Patch
- S - Software
- B - Missing MS Patch and last Boot
- C - Connection info
- U - Unique Asset Info
- s - Services running
- E - Outbound External Connections
- R - Local Firewall Rules
- O - Process information
- plugin-id - Example: 19506
python3 Navi.py N
python3 Navi.py 19506
- latest - Details on last scan run
- scans - Get all of the scans, their IDs and their status
- running - Get all of the scans currently running
- nnm - newest host found by nnm
- scanners - List all of the available scanners
- users - list all of the users
- exclusions - List of all of the exclusions
- containers - List all containers in Container security, ids, # of vulns
- docker - List hosts with running containers; show those containers
- webapp - List running web servers
- assets - List the IPs found in the last 30 days
- creds - List any hosts that had credential failures
- logs - List the actor and the action seperated by Date
- agents - List agents connected to US cloud Scanner
- plugin-id - Example: 19506
- API-Endpoint
python3 Navi.py get latest
python3 Navi.py get 19506
python3 Navi.py get /scans
####Doesn't accept ranges
python3 Navi.py report
python3 Navi.py exploit
python3 Navi.py scan
python3 Navi.py get latest
python3 Navi.py get running
python3 Navi.py get scans | grep Navi
python3 Navi.py scan
- Choose your scan type: Basic or Discovery
- Pick your scanner by ID: scanners will be displayed
- Scan will immediately kick off
python3 Navi.py pause 13(scan-id)
python3 Navi.py resume 13
python3 Navi.py stop 13
pyhton3 Navi.py get scanners
python3 Navi.py get scanners | grep -e -v Cloud
python3 Navi.py get /scans
python3 Navi.py post /scans/13/launch