GlBlox is an OpenGL volume renderer that draws volumes as a blocky mesh.
- Core rendering engine implemented in C++ with a Python wrapper for prototyping.
- Uses the Pyglet Python module to provide OpenGL window manager and input
- Generate volumes using heightmaps, perlin noise or simple procedures.
- Volume storage classes, volume loading and volume modification.
- Mesh generators for optimised or standard 'blocky' meshes.
- Quaternion based freelook camera and mouse controls.
- Frustrum culling.
- Back-face culling.
- Block shading using colourmaps (GLSL)
- Collision detection.
- Chunk paging for large worlds.
The main program has been written in Python 2.7 and requires the following additional modules:
The GLBlox core engine was written in C++ and requires the following additional libraries:
- Volume storage and loading with compression + memory optimisations.
- Block picking and volume modification.
- Lighting effects
- Further volume generation procedures, such as 3D simplex.