after you've done the vim tutor
- get comfortable before using it in work
- use english keyboard layout
- execute
for getting first steps - increase key repeat speed
xset r rate 200 35 &
- avoid mouse/arrows
sudo useradd -m -d /home/tmp tmp
sudo su tmp
vim -x secret.txt
:set cm=blowfish2
- normal
- cli (executing command => :wq)
- (ex mode)
- insert (/ replace)
- visual (/ visual-line / visual-block)
- select (Meh..)
- :h buffers
- :h windows
- :h tabs
hjkl " moving into directions
i " enter insert mode
ESC / C-c " back to normal mode
u / C-r " undo / redo
yy " copy line
p " paste
. " repeat last action
:q / :w / :wq " exit / save / save-exit
:set cursorline " to see where we are
:set number " see line numbers
:h <pattern> " documentation for pattern
C-] / C-t " stack based tag jump [into / back]
C-i / C-o " navigate between jumps [next / prev]
hjkl " moving
H / M / L " cursor to [top / mid / bot] of window
0 / $ " jump to [beg / end] of line
w / b / e " jump to [next / last / end] of word
W / B / E " jump to [next / last / end] of WORD
% / () / {} " jump (braces / sentence / paragraph)
/ / ? " match and jump to [next / previous]
* / # " match under cursor [next / previous]
n / N " jump to [next / previous] match
zz / zt / zb " reposition to [mid / top / bot]
:<lineNumber> " jump to given line
m-<char> " mark a section
`-<char> " jump to marked section
gg / G " jump to [top / bottom]
gi " jump to last insert point
K " open `man` by current word
:sp / :vs " split [horizontal / vertical]
C-w s / C-w v " split [horizontal / vertical]
C-w _ " maximize
C-w = " equalize
C-w <direction> " switch window
:sp . " split with directory view
:sp %:h/<path> " using special vars
i / a " insert [before / after]
I / A " insert [beg-of-line / end-of-line]
s / S " delete [character / line] and insert
C " delete from cursor and insert
c-<movement> " delete by movement and insert
o / O " insert new line [below / above]
r / R " replace [char / continuosly]
~ " toggle case
J " join line
y-<movement> / yy " yank (copy) [movement / line]
d-<movement> / dd " cut the [movement / line]
p / P " paste [from / before] postion
C-x C-p " complete by words in file
C-x C-f " complete by files in path
set [no]paste " copy / paste from system clipboard
< / > -<movement> " indent
= " auto-indent
v " character-based visual mode
S-v " line-based visual mode
C-v " block-based visual mode
C-v S-i " mass insert on visual block selection
gv " start visual mode with last selection
q-<char> " start recording a macro
@-<char> " try to play macro
<number>-<command> " repeat the command
:!<shell> " execute a given shell command
:%s/<search>/<rep>/gc " search'n'replace
:reg " listing the registers (0/-)
C-r <reg> " insert register content
:%s/C-r--/C-r-0/gc " make use of registers
:w <new-name> " save as
:g " execute command for match
:g <search>/d " match string and delete line
:v <search>/d " mismatch string and delete line
:normal gg=G
:g <search>/t.|s/./=/g
" Some nice register magic
:history " get history
:redir @a> " redirect into register a
:ls " list buffers
:history : -10 " get last 10 items from history
:redir end " stop redirection
"ap " access register a and paste
- use version control for it
- source a vimrc file by
:so <path>
- to try .vimrc in this example execute the following:
cd; git clone dotfiles
cd; ln -s $HOME/dotfiles/vim/vimrc.vim .vimrc
vim -u ~/.vimrc # start vim with only one .vimrc
- install by
cd; git clone $HOME/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
- remove comment from
- start vim and
userdel -r tmp
If your Vim is compiled w/ +clipboard (:echo has('clipboard')
should not return 0) you can use the * and + registers.
Otherwise, use
no wonder, the playground user has no Xsession...