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Getting Started

To start working with oye-jobs app you need to:

  1. Get a copy of the code.
  2. Install the dependencies if you don't already have them.
  3. Get a copy of oye-jobs-app MySQL database and import database into local MySQL.

Install dependencies

Quickly Start(experienced users)

With Node.js installed, run the following from the root of your this oye-jobs download:

npm install -g gulp yarn && yarn install


This App requires the following major dependencies.

  • Node.js, used to run JavaScript tools from the command line.
  • npm, the node package manager, installed with Node.js and used to install Node.js packages.
  • gulp, a Node.js-based build tool.
  • yarn, a Node.js-based super fast package manager used to install npm packages (like Angular and its components).

Install dependencies:

  1. Check your Node.js version.
node --version

The version should be at or above 4.4.x.

  1. If you don't have Node.js installed, or you have a lower version, go to and download and install latest LTS version.

  2. Install gulp and yarn globally.

npm install -g gulp yarn

This lets you run gulp and yarn from the command line.

  1. Install oye-jobs App local npm dependencies.
cd oye-jobs && yarn install

Directory Layout

Before you start, take a moment to see how the project structure looks like:

│   .babelrc                                 # Configuration file for Babel transpiler 
│   .editorconfig                            # Editor configuration file to maintain consistent coding style. Check learn more for more info.
│   .eslintignore                            # ESLint ignore file and directory configuration
│   .eslintrc.yml                            # ESLint configuration for maintain coding style
│   .gitattributes                           # GIT configuration to maintain line ending style on between different OS.
│   .gitignore                               # GIT configuration to ignore files and folder from GIT
│   gulpfile.babel.js                        # Gulp tasks file to start dev server and used to create automated task like build, test and linting etc.
│   package.json                             # The list of 3rd party libraries and utilities used in client and server side.
│   postcss.config.js                        # PostCSS configuration used with webpack plug-in. 
│   webpack.config.js                        # Webpack configurations for client-side and server-side bundles
│   yarn.lock                                # Fixed version for all the dependencies 
├───client                                   # The client side sources, configuration and assets.
│   │   index.html                           # Generated from _index.html by webpack with bundles
│   │   index.js                             # Main entry file for webpack and angular application
│   │   manifest.json                        # WebApp configuration file. Check the learn more for more info.
│   │   _index.html                          # Template for `index.html` file
│   │
│   ├───assets                               # All type assets for application lives here
│   │   ├───images/                          # All images for application
│   │   ├───manifest/                        # Icon files for manifest.json
│   │   └───svg                              # All svg files lives such as app icons and avatars
│   │
│   └───src                                  # The angular app components sources. Angular Material Design library has been used for UI components.
│       ├───app-menu/                        # Angular side nave app menu component
│       ├───auth/                            # Authentication module for client side including user service.
│       ├───croppie/                         # Croppie directive wrapper for image cropping. 
│       ├───date-input-row/                  # Component to input date, month and year
│       ├───day-input/                       # Component to input date    
│       ├───education/                       # Education data service module
│       ├───experience/                      # Experience data service module
│       ├───forgot-password/                 # Forgot password component and route view
│       ├───img-preview-dialog/              # Image preview dailog service
│       ├───infinite-items/                  # Infinite items list service used with compatible API
│       ├───job/                             # Job data service module
│       ├───job-detail/                      # Job Detail component and route view
│       ├───job-domain/                      # Job domain data service module
│       ├───job-type/                        # Job Type data service module
│       ├───job-users/                       # Job users component and route view used in admin panel
│       ├───job-write/                       # Job write component and route view for job edit and new job post
│       ├───jobs/                            # Job list component and route view for job listing
│       ├───manage/                          # Manage view component and route view
│       ├───manage-jobs/                     # Job management component and route view
│       ├───manage-roles/                    # Role management component and route view
│       ├───manage-scopes/                   # Scope management component and route view
│       ├───manage-users/                    # User management component and route view
│       ├───month-select/                    # Dropdown list component for month selection by name
│       ├───phone-input/                     # Component to input phone number
│       ├───profile/                         # Component and route view for user profile
│       ├───search-input/                    # Search component with auto-complete compatible with required API
│       ├───signin/                          # Signin component and route view
│       ├───signout/                         # Module used for sign out
│       ├───signup/                          # Signup component and route view
│       ├───oye-jobs-app/                # Main application wrapper component
│       ├───user-account/                    # Component and services used for user account editing and view
│       ├───user-education/                  # User education view component
│       ├───user-experience/                 # User experience view component
│       ├───user-jobs/                       # User jobs component for listing the jobs which were applied by user
│       ├───util/                            # Utilities service for application. It contains helper functions.
│       └───year-input/                      # Component for year input
├───dist/                                    # The folder for compiled output of client and server code in ES5 including webpack bundles for client side.
├───node_modules/                            # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
└───server/                                  # The server side sources and configuration
    │   app.js                               # Main node application entry point
    │   index.js                             # Entry point for babel transpiler
    │   routes.js                            # Main route file for API routing
    ├───api/                                 # API sources and database model
    │   ├───country/                         # Country data model and API
    │   ├───education/                       # Education data model and API
    │   ├───experience/                      # Experience data model and API
    │   ├───job/                             # Job data model and API
    │   ├───job-domain/                      # Job-Domain data model and API
    │   ├───job-type/                        # Job-Type data model and API
    │   ├───location/                        # Location data model and API
    │   ├───role/                            # Role data model and API
    │   ├───scope/                           # Scope data model and API for different -2 scopes used in app.
    │   └───user/                            # User data model and API for user data
    ├───auth/                                # Module to check required scopes and authentication of users.
    │   └───local/                           # PassportJS setup for email login
    ├───components/                          # Components used by API services
    │   ├───api-response/                    # Used for common API responses
    │   └───log/                             # Used for logging purpose
    ├───config/                              # Express server, environment configuration and database seeding
    │   └───environment/                     # Configuration for different-2 environments
    └───sqldb/                               # Main sequelize model setup and their relationships

Learn More

Development workflow


gulp serve

This start express server using nodemon module and outputs an IP address which you can use to test app locally and can used on devices connected to your network.

Run tests

gulp test:server

This runs unit tests defined in server directory except temp directory.



Create bundles for app. This create dist(distribution) directory, copy and create optimized files(CSS, JS, HTML Minification) for deployment.

Build and test

gulp serve:dist

Create build and start app server from dist directory for build test.
