For more information, please refer to The Website
- clone the repo
- in
dir, tweakexample1.cue
cue vet
to check... andcue genpuml
to generate the plantuml
- Be sure to have a plantuml server running at
. - within the
dir - Run the local server:
go run ../cmd
- open a browser to http://localhost:9090
- save a file in the current directory
- profit :D
$ mkdir $TMPDIR/mydir && cd $TMPDIR/mydir // obviously change this to something suitable for you
$ cue mod init
$ mkdir -p cue.mod/pkg/
$ git clone cue.mod/pkg/
$ cat <<EOF > test.cue
package main
import ""
C1: c4.#C1 & { // the name C1 should be coherent with the name you declare in the command
Systems: [{id: "sample", label: "my sample"}]
$ cat <<EOF > command_tool.cue
package main
import (
command: genpuml: {
c1: cli.Print & {
text: template.Execute(c4.plantumlTemplate, C1) // change C1 here with the name of your object
$ cue genpuml
- Go
- a running plantuml server
- run the following command:
cd ./cue.mod/pkg/
open your browser to localhost:9090