Make your errors beautiful, because writing them is boring enough.
- Automatically wrap your errors with the package and calling function name.
- Keep it simple, and just plainly wrap your errors with
Handle(err, "myFunction", "some", "args")
. - Full control over what is/isn't included in your errors. Include as much detail as you need to help with debugging.
- Performant. StackErr is only invoked when handling errors.
- Fully interoperable with other error handlers.
go get
package main
import (
func myFunction(input string) error {
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(input); err != nil {
return stackerr.Handle(err, "atoi", input, "some", "added", "details")
return nil
func main() {
if err := myFunction("foo"); err != nil {
// panic: main.myFunction.atoi("foo", "some", "added", "details"): strconv.Atoi: parsing "foo": invalid syntax
If you use golangci-lint and the wrapcheck linter, you should add this package to your config to prevent errors: