PoC for a bespoke fashion webapp.
Made with React, Material UI, Three.js, and MongoDB (Atlas).
- functional signup/signin
- form verification
- dark mode toggle with cookie persistence
- 3d model rendering
- responsive design
- (nonfunctional) admin dashboard
- temporary drawer
- private endpoints for react router (jwt verification with api)
- responsive appbar
- footer with social media icons
- server side verification of jwt
- express api server
- structured for hosting on vercel
- Icons: https://game-icons.net/
- https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/scissors.html
- https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/sewing-needle.html
- https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/measure-tape.html
- https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/ample-dress.html
- https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/magick-trick.html
- https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/crossroad.html
- Logo: openclipart.org
- HD Images: unsplash.com
- 3d model:
- export constlari export default yap? kod uyumlulugu
- dil secenegi ekle sol sticky? cok gerekli degil
- cookieler
- mui grid
- bikac sayfayi bastan yazdim
- useeffect