OSQP v0.6.1
Closed issues:
- Tests are failing with MOI 0.9.5 (#64)
- Failure on 32-bits (#68)
- Inconsistent solves (#74)
- Segfault when solving without setup! (#76)
- MPC example in Julia (#77)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove support for SingleVariable objective (#63) (@blegat)
- Update to MOI v0.9.5 (#66) (@blegat)
- Add conversion from Ccsc to SparseMatrixCSC (#70) (@goretkin)
- Test on 1.3 instead of 1.1. (#72) (@tkoolen)
- Switch to OSQP_jll binaries for Julia versions >= 1.3 (#75) (@kerrysnyder)
- 🔧 Fix polishing unit test (#78) (@migarstka)
- Fix empty model segfault (#79) (@migarstka)
- Bump travis / appveyor to Julia v1.4 (#80) (@migarstka)
- Simplify problem data to avoid numerical failures. (#82) (@odow)
- Switch CI to Github actions (#83) (@blegat)
- Update README.md (#85) (@matbesancon)
- Use GC.@preserve in test (#88) (@blegat)