List of fixed issues and improvements
New features and improvements
OroPlatform and OroCRM have been upgraded to 4.2.2 version
Updated allowed Payflow IP addresses
Optimized WebsiteManager and getCurrentWebsite
Improved performance of Merge by Priority pricing strategy
Added brackets to currency value in switcher on the Storefront
Upgraded Bump prismjs from 1.21.0 to 1.23.0
List of fixed issues
Fixed availability of order actions does not depend on the user role permissions
Fixed validation of spaces in Category title during import
Fixed 500 error when using extra whitespace in Quick Order Form
Fixed validation when adding incorrect product units in the popup on the Quick Order Form
Fixed storefront landing page API exposes non-rendered Twig instructions and internal fields
Fixed "Type code here" remains visible in code block of WYSIWYG editor
Fixed impossible to add a Discount of percent type via API
Fixed not possible to hide Multifile/Multiimage attributes on product view page
Fixed PATCH request with incorrect data to /api/customerusers terminates /api/doc session
Fixed Customer User cannot start checkout if Checkout VIEW permission is set to Corporate (All Levels)
Fixed Link for product with invisible status returns 403 (login page) instead of 404
Fixed Infinite loader is shown on shopping list edit page after unsaved changes cancellation
Fixed Grid contents still cached after changing customer user role
Fixed "Ship to this address" checkbox is misaligned
Fixed Currency selector is not available on mobile devices
Fixed Chilean peso currency does not show fractional digits on storefront
Fixed Out of memory error in DirectUrlProcessor
Fixed Product name link does not open PDP on Single Page Checkout
Fixed unable to create product attribute with type "WYSIWYG" in CE version
Fixed images are not rendered at the storefront when the application is installed in subfolder
Fixed incorrect HTMLPurifier error collector during products import
Fixed Price range filter swaps min and max values if min value is empty
Fixed new customers do not see all products allowed by visibility settings of their customer group
Fixed Out of memory error in PriceListProcessor
Fixed missing server-side validation for precision of quantity fields in shopping lists
Fixed Customer users with non-unique emails can be created via import
Fixed Price list can be saved with invalid product attribute values used in price rules and conditions
Fixed impossible to update an address from back-office customer/customer user view page in global organization
Fixed Products with incorrect product unit disappear from grid after import via import popup in new QOF layout
Fixed Tooltips do not show up on web catalog category content variant edit page
Fixed Price rules are not processed when one of price lists is broken or not exists
Fixed User input with quotes leads to JS errors
Fixed Item Cell on Shopping List has to initialize inner components on re-render action
You can’t perform that action at this time.