OroCommerce 4.2 LTS version is now available
Please check the full release announcement in Oro blog.
Below are some selected (and more technical) highlights out of 500+ features, improvements and fixes included in this release. The BB- and BAP- references in parenthesis can be used to look for the related changes in the commit history (e.g. https://github.com/search?type=commits&q=org%3Aoroinc+BAP-20318).
- Minimum required PHP version for 4.2 LTS is PHP 7.4 (7.4.14 is the latest security release)
- Composer 2 is required for installation
- MySQL 8.0 is the minimum supported version
- Increased the maximum allowed field name length to 55 (BAP-19575)
- Configurable collection and display of security voter decisions in Symfony web debug toolbar (BAP-19516)
- All console commands now have full description and usage examples (BB-20228)
- More details are logged on workflow send email errors (BAP-19782)
- Dashboard entity is extendable (BAP-20031)
- Website configuration values are now resolved taking into account organization inheritance (BAP-20009)
- Permission categories for user roles are now configured via configuration files (BAP-20318)
- Javascript dependencies are not directly managed by Composer anymore, "node_modules" is now located in the application root (instead of vendor/oro/platform/build)
- symfony/symfony dependency was replaced with individual Symfony component dependencies only on the components that are actually used (BAP-20161)
- ZendFramework packages were replaced with Laminas alternatives (BAP-19880)
- "Flat" price storage for customers that do not use complex price calculations (BB-19864)
- Product image resizing and indexation have been significantly optimized (10x) (BAP-19781, BB-16788)
- Optimized performance of background jobs (removed ORM where not needed), made them less susceptible to interruptions (BAP-19826)
- Better storefront performance with large product catalogs and web-catalogs (BB-19847, BB-17769)
- Layout blocks HTML cache (BB-19226)
- Message queue messages can be filtered by feature toggle configuration (BAP-20181)
- Preloading entities through relations to reduce number of DB queries (BAP-20137) (see examples in BAP-20137, documentation on how to use will be available later)
- Sync jobs (oro_integration:sync_integration:*) are skipped for integrations without connectors (BAP-19792)
- Checkout subtotals recalculated only where necessary (BB-17958)
- Localized fallback values for product/catalog data are stored in separate tables (BB-13743)
- Frontend menu items can be configured to open in new or same browser window/tab (BB-18926)
- The current page is remembered when switching localizations on the storefront (BB-20134)
- Added support for libicu-65 (BAP-20088)
- Grid row action labels can be configured to use custom translations (BAP-19867)
- "Discounts" column in Orders grid with promotional discounts total (BAP-20181)
- All "main" back-office grids now respect "Display in Grid" setting of extended fields (BAP-18091)
- Email attachment max file size is configurable through System Configuration (BAP-19671)
- In email compose customer user with matching email is automatically selected as context (BB-19206)
- Additional configuration for Authorize.Net fraud detection integration (BB-19192)
- Improved performance of back-office datagrids (6x-10x in some scenarios) (BB-19859)
- Default application configuration allows upload of Microsoft Office files and text (BAP-20114)
- Enabled embedding video in the default secure configuration (BB-19545)
- Wirecard integration has been deprecated
- Package manager and web-installer have been finally decommissioned
- GrapesJS and TinyMCE editors were updated to the latest versions
- HTML import validation in WYSIWYG was improved to provide more detailed error descriptions to the user
- Multiple Web Content Accessibility improvements:
- same focus order regardless of browsers
- more semantic HTML structure
- form element states
- tooltips and popovers that are readable by screen readers
- keyboard navigation
- Lazy loading for images
- Configurable storefront filters panel position (sidebar or above grid)