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14 repositories
PublicPersonal Static HTML Website with Azure Static Web AppsVisitReport
PublicSales or field service employees visiting customers at the building construction site and needs to summarize the visit outcome after the meeting to plan and organize the follow-ups. After the visit before they travel to the next customer visit, they document the outcome «visit report» using their mobile device in the CRM system.VisitorManagement
Publicteamrueggcom is the source for the public website based on Azure Static Websitecfw
PublicThe Connected Factory Worker application is a set of application used by the factory operator addressing specific use cases within a food and/or beverage production to simplify their daily job to check, track and review standard operation using mobile device. It covers center lining, clean, lubrication and inspection, tagging, guiding of machine…PCFControls
PubliceHuddle is an effective way to manage shared work across teams within an organization, where there is a need to plan and schedule service delivery based on a service catalogue. Is build on the Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 cloud services and leverages the Teams and Resource Scheduling capabilities.MarketInsights
PublicIn a B2B2C (Brand-Channel Partner-Customer) scenario we want to gain insights about the share of brand of our actual and potential partners to evaluate their end customer communication. To evaluate our brand against our competitors we’re establishing a share of brand metric.