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Jorge Henrique jhrick
Backend Developer


Valéria Padilha de Vargas ValchanOficial
"What we know is a drop; What we don't know is an ocean." - Isaac Newton


Gustavo Domingos Rodrigues gustavodomingosdev
Student in the Information and Communication Technology area. Experience with frameworks and languages ​​such as Loopback, AngularJS, ReactJS, React Native.

Arbo imoveis Londrina,PR

Marcelo Junior designtechti490
👨🏼‍💻 | Analista de TI

Florianópolis, SC

Samuel Pavanati samuelpavanati
Computer Engineering and Software Developer
HudsonMazza HudsonMazza
Estudante de ciência da computação na UNAMA, estou no segundo semestre e sou um entusiasta na área de Data Science.


Lucas carvalho mndrk-777
Dev Back-end


Guilherme Sousa guilherssousa
m8 from brazil. doing stuff since 2018.

@MaisEsportsTech Brazil

Carlos Pureza carlospureza

Rio de Janeiro Brasil

Nikollesan LuanderFarias
Software engineer powered by coffee.


Fernando Belotto fernandobelotto
I live to drive education and technology forward.

Campinas, SP

Lucas Honda LucasHT22
Sao Paulo - Brazil | Contributor @hackclub | Developer since July/2021

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Adriano Pereira Junior adrianoapj
Tech enthusiast, independent security researcher and infosec analyst at BR Consórcios

Londrina - Paraná, Brazil

Luiz Weitz LuizWeitz
Dev Back-End & Mobile. Making a world better.