var dev = {
name: "Marcelo Goulart Rodrigues Junior",
profession: "Software Analyst",
company: "Design Tech TI",
academicEducation: "System and Analysis Development",
colledge: "FAQI",
openSourceAdept: "true",
catchphrase: "I'm just a tech!",
contact: "",
- I'm from POA - RS.
- Nowadays, I am studying ADS at FAQI and self-studying at Alura Online Courses.
- I am looking to contribute as a DevSecOps Engineer or IT Infrastructure Analyst.
- Ask me About: DevOps, Open Source, Cloud Computing, Web Development, GitHub, IT Infrastructure e Banco de Dados.
- Fun facts about me: I'm passionate about cats, addicted to music, and play basketball on weekends.
Scan this QR Code below or follow this link to access my social media
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Operational Systems: