This is a Javascript playground for experimenting with synthesizing call-like signals from clicks
The overall plan is to synthesize 'click-like' signals at a high sampling rate (1 million samples per second). Then, lowpass filter and resample to our 'normal' orcasound sampling rate range (< 48 kilo samples per second)) And, listen to the synthesized signal and observe the power spectral density and a spectrogram of the synthesized signal.
This page is being served via Github Pagesat
To run locally, clone the repository and then open a terminal window in your local directory and run a local server from there.
Under Ubuntu: python3 -m http.server --bind 9000
Find your program locally at:
The program is designed as a pipeline which can be entered at a variety of points. After entry, the pipeline continues to the end. The Javascript is mostly in the HTML file and is more-or-less in the order of the pipeline calls.
function runPipeline(iStart){
if (iStart === 0) {
msg.innerHTML = "Calculating clicks ...";
msg.innerHTML = "";
if (iStart <= 1){
msg.innerHTML = "Calculating call ...";
// plotCall();
msg.innerHTML = "";
if (iStart <= 2){
msg.innerHTML = "Resampling call ...";
window.global_audioSamplerate = parseInt(document.getElementById('Audio samplerate').value);
msg.innerHTML = "";
if (iStart <= 3){
msg.innerHTML = "Plotting call ...";
msg.innerHTML = "";
if (iStart <= 4){
msg.innerHTML = "Plotting spectrogram ...";
msg.innerHTML = "";
Currently, the screen does NOT update via the msg.innerHTML statement. This is an Issue! There are more, as well. Check the Github Issues.