Important: This repository has been archived, it does contain some security issues which has not been addressed.
This A golang implementation of mod_auth_pubtkt with some enhancements (cookie encryption, optional check options...)
This can be used in two different ways:
- As a middleware
- As a lib (redirect will not be used, it will only check ticket)
package main
import (
func main() {
finalHandler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, req http.Request) {
ticket := pubtkt.TicketRequest(req)
w.Write([]byte("you are logged as " + ticket.Uid))
pubtktHandler, err := pubtkt.NewAuthPubTktHandler(pubtkt.AuthPubTktOptions{
TKTAuthPublicKey: "mypublic key",
}, finalHandler)
// you can also see handler option in
if err != nil {
http.HandleFunc("/", pubtktHandler)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
package main
import (
func main() {
auth, err := pubtkt.NewAuthPubTkt(pubtkt.AuthPubTktOptions{
TKTAuthPublicKey: "mypublic key",
TKTAuthPrivateKey: "my private for signing",
TKTAuthCookieName: "auth_pubtkt",
TKTAuthHeader: []string{"Cookie"},
if err != nil {
tkt := &pubtkt.Ticket{
Uid: "myuser",
Sig: "the_signature",
err = auth.SignTicket(tkt)
if err != nil {
err = auth.VerifyTicket(tkt, "")
if err != nil {
// if no error we can continue
// you can also use
// Verify ticket and pre-check from a request
// VerifyFromRequest(*http.Request) (*Ticket, error)
// Transform a request to a ticket (if found)
// RequestToTicket(*http.Request) (*Ticket, error)
// Transform an encoded ticket or plain ticket as a ticket strcture
// RawToTicket(ticketStr string) (*Ticket, error)
// Verify a ticket with signature, expiration, token (if set) and ip (against the provided ip and if TKTCheckIpEnabled option is true)
// VerifyTicket(ticket *Ticket, clientIp string) error
// Place ticket in request as requested in options
// TicketInRequest(*http.Request, *Ticket) error
// TicketInResponse(http.ResponseWriter, *Ticket) error
// Transform a ticket to a plain or encrypted ticket data
// TicketToRaw(ticket *Ticket) (string, error)
// This will add a signature to the ticket with private key set with TKTAuthPrivateKey option
// SignTicket(ticket *Ticket) error
This implementation use the same options as you can found on mod_auth_pubtkt doc but with new features like:
- Ticket encryption (options:
) - Enable and disable check for IP (options:
Here options you can set as pubtkt.AuthPubTktOptions
type AuthPubTktOptions struct {
// A DSA or RSA public key in PEM format
// This public key will be used to verify ticket signatures
TKTAuthPublicKey string
// A DSA or RSA private key in PEM format
// This private key will be used to create ticket signature
// This is optional, only needed if you want sign ticket
TKTAuthPrivateKey string
// Domain to use when placing ticket as a cookie
// E.G.:
TKTAuthDomain string
// Set to true if all your website use https and ticket is placed in a cookie
TKTAuthSecureCookie bool
// String indicating what digest algorithm to use when verifying ticket signatures
// Valid values are SHA1, DSS1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512
// If not specified, the old defaults of SHA1 (for an RSA public key) or DSS1 (for a DSA public key) will be used.
TKTAuthDigest string
// URL that users without a valid ticket will be redirected to
// The originally requested URL will be appended as a GET parameter (normally named "back", but can be changed with TKTAuthBackArgName)
TKTAuthLoginURL string
// URL that users whose ticket has expired will be redirected to
// If not set, TKTAuthLoginURL is used
TKTAuthTimeoutURL string
// Same as TKTAuthTimeoutURL, but in case the request was a POST
// If not set, TKTAuthTimeoutURL is used (and if that is not set either, TKTAuthLoginURL)
TKTAuthPostTimeoutURL string
// URL that users whose ticket doesn't contain any of the required tokens (as set with TKTAuthToken) will be redirected to
TKTAuthUnauthURL string
// URL that users whose ticket is within the grace period (as set with the graceperiod key in the ticket) before the actual expiry will be redirected to.
// Only GET requests are redirected; POST requests are accepted normally. The script at this URL should check the ticket and issue a new one
// If not set, TKTAuthLoginURL is used
TKTAuthRefreshURL string
// A space separated list of headers to use for finding the ticket (case insensitive).
// If this header specified is Cookie then the format of the value expects to be a valid cookie (subject to the TKTAuthCookieName directive).
// Any other header assumes the value is a simple URL-encoded value of the ticket.
// The first header that has content is tried and any other tickets in other header(s) are ignored.
// example, use Cookie first, fallback to X-My-Auth: TKTAuthHeader: []string{"Cookie", "X-My-Auth"}
// Default: Cookie
TKTAuthHeader []string
// Name of the authentication cookie to use
// Default: auth_pubtkt
TKTAuthCookieName string
// Name of the GET argument with the originally requested URL (when redirecting to the login page)
// Default: back
TKTAuthBackArgName string
// only accept tickets in HTTPS requests
// Default: false
TKTAuthRequireSSL bool
// token that must be present in a ticket for access to be granted
// Multiple tokens may be specified; only one of them needs to be present in the ticket (i.e. any token can match, not all tokens need to match)
TKTAuthToken []string
// if on, a fake Authorization header will be added to each request (username from ticket, fixed string "password" as the password).
// This can be used in reverse proxy situations, and to prevent PHP from stripping username information from the request (which would then not be available for logging purposes)
// Default: false
TKTAuthFakeBasicAuth bool
// if on, the value from the ticket's "bauth" field will be added to the request as a Basic Authorization header.
// This can be used in reverse proxy situations where one needs complete control over the username and password (see also TKTAuthFakeBasicAuth, which should not be used at the same time).
// Default: false
TKTAuthPassthruBasicAuth bool
// if set, the bauth value will be decrypted using the given key before it is added to the Authorization header.
// length must be exactly 16 characters (AES 128)
TKTAuthPassthruBasicKey string
// If set it will crypt/encrypt the cookie or the content of the header with this passphrase (not a key but a passphrase like in openssl)
TKTCypherTicketsWithPasswd string
// Method of encryption under aes, it can be either cbc or ecb
TKTCypherTicketsMethod string
// If true it will check if ip which created the token is the correct ip who use it
// Default: false
TKTCheckIpEnabled bool
// If true and TKTCheckIpEnabled is true it will check ip from header X-Forwarded-For instead client remote ip
// default: false
TKTCheckXForwardedIp bool
Note: Disclaimer about TKTCypherTicketsMethod
with the ecb method, orange forked mod_auth_pubtkt
to add ticket encryption and use ecb method, you must always choose to use cbc method if you want to use apache plugin from original pubtkt