Qspice models for textbook - CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 3rd edition by R. Jacob Baker
Qspice filetypes:
- *.qsch: netlist schematic model
- *.qraw: raw data. (for saving all data, please use '.save all' spice code in schematic)
- *.pfg: configure file for raw data plotting
- *.cir: netlist code
Every chapter folder has cmosedu_model.txt and Makefile.
In order to use 'make' command in windows OS, please install cmder - console emulator, and launch the terminal in the chapter folder.
For using qspice to simulate spice netlist file, create a new folder named Bin in the qspice installation folder. Then, copy and save QSPICE64.exe as qspice.exe in Bin folder. For plotting the *.raw data, please also copy and save QUX.exe as qplot.exe in the same Bin folder. Add the Bin absolute directory into the Windows PATH environment. Now, open a terminal and type '
qspice spice_ex.qsch
' for spice simulation.
Qspice can be used in Linux after WINEHQ installation. Add the following alias to .cshrc or .bashrc and then open a new terminal to run qspice or qplot command.
> alias qspice=$QSPICE_HOME/QSPICE64.exe
> alias qplot=$QSPICE_HOME/QUX.exe
Qspice commands in terminal
> qspice spice_ex.qsch # run the netlist
> qplot spice_ex.qraw # plot the data