Adds support for control_origin
and rendering the control origination to gitbook if specified
From the component.yaml in schemas, this is the v3.0.0 component.yaml masonry currently supports (still supports older versions as well)
name: Name of the component
key: Key of the component (defaults to the filename if not present)
documentation_complete: Manual check if the documentation is complete (for gap analysis)
schema_version: 3.0.0
- name: Name of the reference ie. EC2 website
path: Relative path of local file or URL ie. diagrams/diagram-1.png
type: Type of reference ie. Image, URL
- name: Name of the reference ie. EC2 website
path: Relative path of local file or URL ie. diagrams/diagram-1.png
type: Type of reference ie. Image, URL
- key: Key of verification
name: Name of verification
path: Relative path of local file or URL ie. diagrams/diagram-1.png
type: Type of reference ie. Image, URL
- key: Key of verification
name: Name of verification
path: Relative path of local file or URL ie. diagrams/diagram-1.png
type: Type of reference ie. Image, URL
- standard_key: Standard Key (NIST-800-53)
control_key: Control Key (CM-2)
- key: The optional key that represents a particular section of the control. If the key is not specified, assume the string in the following text represents the entire control
text: The narrative text for the particular section / entire control if there is no key specified
implementation_status: Manual status of implementation (for gap analysis)
control_origin: The text representing the control origination
- key: "The key for a particular parameter of the specific control"
text: "The parameter text for a particular parameter of a specific control"
- verification_key: The specific verification ID that the reference links, no component or system is needed for internal references
- system_key: System name of the verification (can link to other systems / components)
component_key: System name of the verification (can link to other systems / components)
verification_key: The specific verification ID that the reference links to