This repository contains the necessary code integrate OJP into the NOVA Preisauskunft.
- Check out the code
- Create a pycharm project from it
Necessary libraries are named in requirements.txt
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
xsdata -p ojp -ss clusters path-to-ojp.xsd
The repository is missing the relevant configuration. The configuration is only handed out, when necessary. Contact [email protected], if necessary. However, the access is and will remain limited.
Relevant fields:
run starts a server on:
run This will result in a TripRequest/TripDelivery to the OJP service.
see service
run The following should happen
- client: Builds an OJPTripRequest from "Bern" to "Zürich" with departure time now
- client: The OJPTripDelivery from OJP is obtained
- client: From the result an OJPFareRequest ist constructed
- client: the OJPFareRequest ist sent to the server
- server: Transforms the OJPFareRequest into a NOVA Preisauskunft requdst
- server: Process the result from NOVA, build an OJPFareDelivery and send it to the client
- client: Show the result
Everything is written to xml files for inspection
() OJP - [tyk API manager]
[tyk API manager] - () OJP_int
node "The new service" {
[https proxy] - [OJPFare2Nova]
() OJP_int - [https proxy]
[OJPFare2Nova] - () OJPTrip
() OJPTrip - ["OJP Service ("]
[OJPFare2Nova] -- () "Preisauskunft"
() "Preisauskunft" - [Nova service]
Client -> "tyk": OJPTripRequest
tyk -> "https proxy": OJPTripRequest
"https proxy" -> OJPFare2Nova: OJPTripRequest
OJPFare2Nova -> "OJP Service": OJPTripRequest
"OJP Service" --> OJPFare2Nova: OJPTripDelivery
OJPFare2Nova --> "https proxy": OJPTripDelivery
"https proxy" --> tyk: OJPTripDelivery
tyk --> Client: OJPTripDelivery
Client -> Client: "Wrap trips into OJPFare Request"
Client -> tyk: OJPFareRequest
tyk -> "https proxy": OJPFareRequest
"https proxy" -> OJPFare2Nova: OJPFareRequest
OJPFare2Nova -> OJPFare2Nova: MapOJP2Nova
OJPFare2Nova -> Nova: "Nova Preisauskunft"
Nova --> OJPFare2Nova : "Nova Preisauskunft"
OJPFare2Nova -> OJPFare2Nova: "MapNova2OJP"
OJPFare2Nova --> "https proxy": OJPFareDelivery
"https proxy" --> tyk: OJPFareDelivery
tyk --> Client: OJPFareDelivery
- The TripResult used in the OJP fare service should not be based on short-term real-time information. So the TripRequest should usually contain a UseRealtime set to false.
The code is made available as MIT license. The generated code in the "nova" folder based on the WSDL is property of SBB ( and not part of the license.
If you need something about this project, just use the issue tracker: