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Reef Guidance API

API for supporting reef suitability assessments.



Initialize the project the usual way:


A TOML file should be defined indicating location of the MPA dataset. These are currently the files/data created in Step/Script 1a in

PREPPED_DATA_DIR = "C:/some_path_to_data/MPA/"

TIFF_CACHE_DIR = "<some location to cache geotiffs>"
REGIONAL_CACHE_DIR = "<some location to cache regional datasets>"
DEBUG_MODE = "false"  # Optional, disables file caching and displays debug logs
COG_THREADS = "2"  # Optional, Number of threads to use when creating COGs (defaults to 1)
TILE_SIZE = "256"  # Optional, tile block size to use (defaults to 256)

By convention, this file is named .config.toml (note the leading .).

JWT Auth configuration

The API can be additionally configured to expect a valid JWT in the Authorization: Bearer <token> header format.

Add the following to .config.toml:

# Enable JWT auth : bool true/false
# Which iss to validate for the JWTs?
JWT_ISS = ""
# WKT JWKS endpoint where public key can be retrieved
WKT_ENDPOINT = "https://"

Pay attention to the issuer and wkt endpoints. The first should exactly match the expected JWT issuer claim. The second should be web-resolvable and return a WKT JSON which provides the public key.

Auth TODOs

  • ensure health check route is not authorised


using ReefGuideAPI

# To enable debug messages:
# ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "ReefGuideAPI"

# If multiple threads are available, a parallel server will be spun up

In its current state, the main page displays a simple form for dev/testing purposes.

Dynamic COG generation

Example URL:

Simple Slippy Tiles

Example URL:

Development setup

The steps below assumes you are in the project root.

Create a sandbox enviroment:

$ mkdir sandbox
$ cd sandbox
$ julia --project=.
(sandbox) julia> ]add Revise Infiltrator
(sandbox) julia> ]dev ..

Copy the quickstart to a file (e.g., dev_server.jl).

Create the .config.toml file and save to the sandbox directory.

Assuming VS Code is configured to default to the sandbox environment and start the Julia REPL at project root:

;cd sandbox

Note that the server now caches the initially loaded spatial data in between server launches to reduce downtime. It will be necessary to restart the Julia session to reload spatial data.

Performance notes

The config setting COG_THREADS controls how many threads should be requested when writing out COGs. Ideally this will be set to at least 2 (preferably 4). Higher values do seem to reduce write times but with diminishing returns (tested up to 8). Locally, write times with four threads configured range from 10 to 15 seconds.

Reef edge alignment for site searching

identify_edge_aligned_sites() can be used to identify potential sites that only align with the nearest reef edge (or specified rotations away from this angle). This method works by identifying the closest edge of reef polygon geometries that have been converted into lines.

The following processing is required before use:

  • Reef polygons should be simplified (GO.simplify()) and buffered to avoid matching possibly inaccurate reef edges.
  • Simplified reef polygons should be provided as vertex-vertex lines with polygon_to_lines().
  • Require raster of target pixels to search, and their indices (currently a vector of CartesianIndices for identifying search pixels). Use findall(bool_search_raster) to return pixel indices.
  • Raster of search pixels should be masked by reef polygons or simplified reef polygons.
  • The target region name should be specified in GBRMPA format.
    • E.g. "Townsville/Whitsunday Management Area" rather than "Townsville-Whitsunday".

Parquet assessment additional setup

  • A parquet GeoDataFrame must be loaded and filtered for unsuitable pixels based on user criteria thresholds using a Dict and within_thresholds().
  • lon and lat columns (FLoat64) must be added to the GeoDataFrame.
    • E.g. valid_pixels.lon = first.(GI.coordinates.(valid_pixels.geometry)) The column used for masking should be the same as the column specified as geometry_col in identify_edge_aligned_sites (default = :geometry).

Docker build and run

The ReefGuideAPI.jl package has an associated Dockerfile and build/publish process. This means you can run an instance of the ReefGuideAPI.jl package without needing to compile/build it with a local Julia installation. You will be able to view the latest published versions of the Docker image on the repository packages page.

Mounting files and required data

As mentioned above, the ReefGuideAPI.jl package currently requires

  • a config.toml file and
  • a set of input data files

Please include these in a folder called data in your working directory.

When running the below commands, it is assumed you have data available locally with the required files.

Note: Due to how Docker excludes . files, we have named the config file config.toml in the data folder. This is required to launch the server.

To build from src files using Docker

docker build . --target reefguide-src -t reefguide

To build from src files using Docker Compose

docker compose build reefguide-src

To run with mounted files (launch server) using Docker

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v ./data:/data/reefguide reefguide

To run with mounted files (launch server) using Docker Compose

docker compose up reefguide-src

To run with mounted files (interactive shell) using Docker

This will start a Julia shell where ReefGuideAPI is compiled and ready for use e.g.

using ReefGuideAPI
docker run --rm --interactive --entrypoint="julia" --tty -v ./data:/data/reefguide reefguide


API for Reef Guidance and Assessment







No releases published
