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leaflet-point-animator NPM version NPM Downloads

Leaflet plugin to animate large number of GeoJSON points.

e.g. scrubbing through 60MB of GeoJSON: Screenshot

If you don't have a lot of points, and require more flexibility (e.g. support for polygons) + interactivity you should check out: leaflet-temporal-geojson instead.


npm install leaflet-point-animator --save


Most importantly - point features can either be provided as:

  1. Standard GeoJSON spec array of point features (slower)
  • this is slower as features must be reprocessed into keyframes; however
  • will use a web worker to avoid blocking main thread
  1. Pre-formatted keyframes (faster)
  • an object where keys are ISO timestrings of the keyframes, and values are arrays of GeoJSON point features
  • see demo for concrete example
const pointAnimatorLayer = L.pointAnimatorLayer({
  // Create keyframes from raw GeoJSON features
  features: [
    {} // flat array of GeoJSON features

  // OR -> pre-formatted keyframes
  keyframes: { 
    '<ISO_TIME>': [], // array of GeoJSON point features for this keyframe 

  // which property to use for time (expects ISO 8601 string)
  timeKey: "time",
  style(feature) {
    return {
      // do custom styling things
      fillColor: color(,
      stroke: false,
      radius: 5

  // OPTIONAL - supply the name of a custom pane,
  // will be created if doesn't exist, defaults to overlayPane
  paneName: 'myCustomPane',
  // OPTIONAL - callback to be notified when keyframes ready for use
  onKeyframesReady() {
    // DEMO - get a list of frame keys, and set first frame active
    const frameKeys = pointAnimatorLayer.getFrameKeys();

  // OPTIONAL - callbacks when layer is added/removed from map
  onAdd: function(){},
  onRemove: function(){},

public methods

method params description
isActive check if the layer is currently active on the map
getFrame Get the current frame time (-1 if not set)
getFrameKeys Get an ascending array of all ISO times (can then be used to call setFrame)
setFrame time: {string} display the features at the given ISO time (if calling from something like a range slider, recommended to throttle - see demo).
clearCanvas Clears canvas of any points
redraw Trigger a redraw of the canvas


npm install 
npm run build
