MusicQ on Production:
MusicQ on QA:
Tech-stack: next.js
Description: This app will allow multiple people to queue songs to a group queue instead of having only one person play the music. It wouldn't be first in first out though, there will be a voting/ranking system that allows people to up/agree with other suggestions. The user who creates the room has the ability to share a code or link that allows other users to join. Goal: Listen to the most liked songs between your friends. Accomplish goal: using upvotes and downvotes
User Roles:
- admin: user who creates the room and controls what music is played
- users: others who can upvote and downvote
Things to look into:
- spotify API vs embedding youtube music links
- upvote downvote system for ranking songs
- Lily Ou - oulily
- Samhita Honnavalli - samhita-h
- Jennifer Lo - jenny353
- Gautam Mundewadi- gmundewadi
- Ori Mizrahi- omizrahi99
- David Farias-Llerena - dfariasllerenas
To deploy MusicQ yourself click the link below:
Command | Description |
npm install |
Install Dependencies |
npm run dev |
Runs locally in development mode |
npm run start |
Runs in production mode (requires PORT env var) |
npm run test |
Runs entire test suite |
npm run test:cypress |
Runs Cypress integration tests |
npm run test:cypress |
Runs prettier format tests |
npm run fix:format |
Reformats all project files using prettier |
npm run storybook |
Run React Storybook (made available at localhost:6006 |
npm run build-storybook |
Create static react storybook for GitHub Pages |
Note that while no environment variables are required to run npm run dev
, running npm run start
requires that the PORT