This is a leiningen plugin that wraps my fork of maven-s3-wagon.
It is a maven plugin that allows you to publish and retrieve maven artifacts directly from S3.
I forked it because I wanted an S3 wagon:
- That supports AWS multi-factor authentication (which maven-s3-wagon does), and
- That supports private S3 repos (which maven-s3-wagon does).
As far as I can tell, maven-s3-wagon doesn’t actually support using multi-factor authentication except if you’re running maven on an EC2 node. In addition to pulling in your access key and secret key from the environment, my fork also pulls in your session token from the environment.
Also, the way you publish to a private S3 repo with maven-s3-wagon is by configuring it to use a private ACL in your ~/.m2/settings.xml. As far as I can tell, there is no way to do this with leiningen (patches welcome!). My fork uses a private ACL as its default ACL.
Add it to your project.clj as a plugin and define your repository:
(defproject my-project "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:deploy-repositories [["my-private-repo" {:url "s3://my-maven-repo/releases/"
:username "AWS ACCESS KEY ID"
:password "AWS SECRET ACCESS KEY"}]]
:plugins [[lein-maven-s3-wagon "0.2.4"]]
Then you can publish your artifact to S3 using:
lein deploy my-private-repo
Absolutely not! Like any other repo, you can specify your credentials in your project.clj or specify them in ~/.lein/credentials.clj.gpg. You can also use keywords with the ‘env’ namespace (like :env/aws_access_key_id to have the credentials pulled from the environment).
Regardless of where the access key and secret key are pulled from, your session token for multi-factor authentication will always be pulled from the AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN environment variable. This environment variable name is compatible with the AWS command line interface (
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