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Run manuskript on OS X

Tobias Frisch edited this page Nov 21, 2021 · 4 revisions

This is a guide for running manuskript from sources on OS X. It's really easy.

It explains how to install all necessary dependencies, and then run the soft.

Every command need to be run in terminal (Applications > Utilities and double-click on Terminal)

Install dependencies

Required dependencies

Install homebrew

By running this in terminal:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Homebrew is a package manager for OS X.

Install Python 3

brew install python3

Install PyQt 5

brew install pyqt5

Install lxml:

pip3 install lxml

If you use a newer Mac with the M1 ARM architecture, please make sure to tell pip3 to install the correct packages (see issue 966).

Optional dependencies:


PyEnchant is used for spellchecking.

brew install enchant
pip3 install pyenchant

Get manuskript's latest version

Go to where you'd like to download manuskript, f.ex:

cd ~/Documents/

Clone git repository (it will download manuskript in a folder named manuskript)

git clone

Run manuskript and be glad:


If it does not run due to "No module named 'PyQt5'", install it from pip3

pip3 install PyQt5

Optional: manuskript's test version

If you'd like to run manuskript's test version, type:

cd manuskript
git checkout remotes/origin/develop

And then you can run it the same way, with:

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