The Hotel Rating Web Application is a platform for reviewing and rating hotels, similar in concept to the well-known TripAdvisor. This was a final project for the Full Stack Development course. This course covered the MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS and NodeJS Stack. It provided me with the opportunity to demonstrate my capabilities in creating a Functional Web Application from conception to completion, and allowed me to showcase my skills in web development.
- Have NodeJS and npm installed for building the project
The Purpose of this project was to demonstrate the MERN stack skills that we acquired in class.
The following items are in scope for this build:
- Authentication
- Adding, and Viewing hotels
- Rating a hotel
The following items are in not scope for this build:
- Deleting a hotel
- Updating a hotel
- User profiles
The class was given 15 days to build an entire application with these technologies
- My technical skillset
- Ability to learn fast
- Ability to work under pressure
- To get started you will need to install as mentioned in the Prerequisites Section:
- NodeJS
- Npm
- run
npm i
to install the dependencies for the project - run
npm run key
to enter your MongoDB connection string and other - run
npm run dev
to run your server locally
- Deployment
- Render
- Backend
- ExpressJS
- MongoDB
- NodeJS
- Frond End
- Tons of React!
- I enjoyed writing
- aggregate functions to join MongoDb collections.
- validation tools to verify and sanitize the data (validators.js)
- Animating the Stars
- I Appreciate react's ability to update content real time
- Render for deployment: so images are removed after a while, replace by a placeholder image
- Add User profile
- Add email based Authentication for the user
- Redesign the database to support user profiles
- Step by Step forms
- Employ Redux
Hotel Name Should be unique
Name, city, and street address should be 5 or more characters
- As of this moment only one image is allowed per hotel
- ImageName: must be alphanumeric characters only
- Image size must not be bigger than 5MB.
- Images must have a unique name.
- Each hotel has an image-> the user cannot submit the form without image
- Hotels cannot stay without a picture.
- images are handled by Multer which is an middleware for multipart form data handling -> link for this is in the reference section.
User needs to select the hotel and then use the stars to rate his stay.
sample data images
- [TutorialTwo] (
- [TutorialTwo] (
using bootstrap with fontawesome
Serving the project at Hotel App