A Small executable based on PyQt5 (testing the native looks). Plays music and encodes secrets. // A base executable for multiple UC2DIN10 Registry tests.
MacOS 14 | Windows 11 |
Download the executables for quick testing:
pip intall PyQt5 pyinstaller
Building on Windows (Use an AMD machine, pyinstaller does not work in Windows VM's on ARM):
Python PyInstaller --onefile --upx-dir=/upx422 --windowed --add-data "a.png:." --add-data "odd.png:." --add-data "b.mp3:." --icon "a.ico" OddChipherII.py
Building on macOS or Linux:
pyinstaller --onefile --upx-dir=/opt/homebrew/bin/upx --windowed --add-data "a.png:." --add-data "odd.png:." --add-data "b.mp3:." --icon "a.ico" OddChipherII.py
Tested UPX, but it did litte/nothing for size or startupt speed, but increased the likelihood of the .exe being flagged by windows defender. (can just be left out). (signtool and a CA certificate should be used for a proper --onefile executable).
Until next time...