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Wouter Pauwels edited this page Jul 30, 2024 · 10 revisions

Starting from Minecraft 1.20.6, many of Artifacts' abilities are implemented as attributes. Below is a list of all attributes that are available in the latest version of the mod.

Attribute Base Value Range Description
artifacts:player.entity_experience 1 0~64 Affects how much experience is dropped by entities killed by this player. The total experience dropped by an entity is multiplied by the attribute value.
artifacts:player.villager_reputation 0 0~1024 How much extra reputation a player has when trading with villagers.
artifacts:generic.attack_burning_duration 0 0~60 The time in seconds entities attacked by this entity are set on fire for. Only affects melee attacks.
artifacts:generic.drinking_speed 1 ≥1 Affects how fast it takes to consume drinkable items. The use duration for drinkable items is multiplied by 1 / drinking_speed.
artifacts.generic.eating_speed 1 ≥1 Affects how fast it takes to consume edible items. The use duration for edible items is multiplied by 1 / eating_speed.
artifacts:generic.flatulence 0 0~1 The probability a fart sound plays when sneaking or double jumping with the Cloud in a Bottle.
artifacts:generic.invincibility_ticks 0 0~1200 The extra amount of ticks a player stays invincible for after being damaged.
artifacts:generic.mount_speed 0 0~1024 Affects how fast entities ridden by this entity move. A mount's movement speed is multiplied by this value.
artifacts:generic.movement_speed_on_snow 0 0~1024 Affects how fast an entity moves on snow blocks. The enities movement speed is multiplied by this value when walking on snow.
artifacts:generic.slip_resistance 0 0~1 Affects how slippery ice blocks are.
artifacts:generic.sprinting_speed 1 0~1024 Affects how fast an entity moves when sprinting. The entities movement speed is multiplied by this value when sprinting.
artifacts:generic.sprinting_step_height 0 0~10 The extra step height an entity gets when sprinting.
(Fabric only) artifacts:generic.swim_speed 1 0~1024 Affects how fast an entity can swim. The entities movement speed is multiplied by this value when swimming.
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