What's Changed
- add sink connector for ob-mysql by @whhe in #2
- add driver-class option by @whhe in #4
- Bump mysql-connector-java from 5.1.47 to 8.0.28 by @dependabot in #3
- add option for connection pool by @whhe in #5
- add README by @whhe in #9
- support upsert statement for ob oracle by @whhe in #10
- add tools to package a shaded jar by @whhe in #11
- chore: add build script and workflow by @whhe in #13
- chore: add badges to readme by @whhe in #14
- style: fix ide warnings by @whhe in #17
- feat: add memstore check before writing database by @whhe in #16
- feat: make memstore check optional by @whhe in #18
- refactor: use compatible mode enum by @whhe in #19
- feat: use OceanBaseConnectionInfo to maintain server information by @whhe in #20
- feat: use ob-partition-calculator to optimize batch writing by @whhe in #21
- style: modify package structure by @whhe in #23
- chore: make 'schema-name' to be a required option by @whhe in #27
- fix: convert field data before set statement by @whhe in #29
- chore: add idea config file by @whhe in #31
- feat: add thread pool to execute statement in parallel by @whhe in #32
- feat: support to sink records by partitions in single thread by @whhe in #33
- feat: add obkv-hbase connector by @whhe in #30
- fix: use transient fields for tablePartInfo and ExecutorService by @whhe in #36
- style: apply spotless on docs and pom files by @whhe in #37
- feat: use oceanbase-client and druid pool in jdbc mode by @whhe in #35
- build: add modules for sql jar by @whhe in #38
- build: cache maven repos in build ci by @whhe in #40
- test: add jdbc it case by @whhe in #39
- chore: change the license to Apache 2.0 by @whhe in #41
- test: add it case for obkv-hbase connector by @whhe in #42
Full Changelog: https://github.com/oceanbase/flink-connector-oceanbase/commits/v1.0