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Use a tagged GADT in Dllist
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polytypic committed Jan 6, 2024
1 parent 9e7e953 commit 5c45ef7
Showing 1 changed file with 148 additions and 127 deletions.
275 changes: 148 additions & 127 deletions src/kcas_data/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,190 +1,210 @@
open Kcas

type 'a t = {
lhs : 'a t Loc.t;
(** [lhs] points to the rightmost node of a list or the list itself. *)
rhs : 'a t Loc.t;
(** [rhs] points to the leftmost node of a list or the list itself. *)

type 'a node = {
node_lhs : 'a t Loc.t;
(** [node_lhs] or [lhs] points to the node on the left side of this node
or to the list if this node is the leftmost node. *)
node_rhs : 'a t Loc.t;
(** [node_rhs] or [rhs] points to the node on the right side of this node
or to the list if this node is the rightmost node. *)
value : 'a;

external as_list : 'a node -> 'a t = "%identity"
external as_node : 'a t -> 'a node = "%identity"

let[@inline] get { value; _ } = value
(** Tagged GADT for representing doubly-linked lists. *)
type ('a, _) tdt =
| List : {
lhs : 'a cursor Loc.t;
(** [lhs] points to the rightmost node of a list or the list
itself. *)
rhs : 'a cursor Loc.t;
(** [rhs] points to the leftmost node of a list or the list itself. *)
-> ('a, [> `List ]) tdt
| Node : {
lhs : 'a cursor Loc.t;
(** [lhs] points to the node on the left side of this node or to the
list if this node is the leftmost node. *)
rhs : 'a cursor Loc.t;
(** [rhs] points to the node on the right side of this node or to the
list if this node is the rightmost node. *)
value : 'a;
-> ('a, [> `Node ]) tdt

and 'a cursor = At : ('a, [< `List | `Node ]) tdt -> 'a cursor [@@unboxed]

type 'a t = ('a, [ `List ]) tdt
type 'a node = ('a, [ `Node ]) tdt

external as_list : ('a, _) tdt -> 'a t = "%identity"
external as_node : ('a, _) tdt -> 'a node = "%identity"

let[@inline] get (Node { value; _ } : 'a node) = value

let[@inline] lhs_of list_or_node =
let (List list_r) = as_list list_or_node in

let[@inline] rhs_of list_or_node =
let (List list_r) = as_list list_or_node in

let[@inline] value_of (Node node_r : 'a node) = node_r.value

let create () =
let lhs = Loc.make ~padded:true (Obj.magic ())
and rhs = Loc.make ~padded:true (Obj.magic ()) in
let list = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded { lhs; rhs } in
Loc.set lhs list;
Loc.set rhs list;
let lhs = Loc.make ~padded:true (Obj.magic ()) in
let rhs = Loc.make ~padded:true (Obj.magic ()) in
let list = Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded (List { lhs; rhs }) in
Loc.set lhs (At list);
Loc.set rhs (At list);

let create_node value =
let node =
let node_lhs = Loc.make (Obj.magic ())
and node_rhs = Loc.make (Obj.magic ()) in
{ node_lhs; node_rhs; value }
let lhs = Loc.make (Obj.magic ()) in
let rhs = Loc.make (Obj.magic ()) in
Node { lhs; rhs; value }
Loc.set node.node_lhs (as_list node);
Loc.set node.node_rhs (as_list node);
Loc.set (lhs_of node) (At node);
Loc.set (rhs_of node) (At node);

let create_node_with ~lhs ~rhs value =
{ node_lhs = Loc.make lhs; node_rhs = Loc.make rhs; value }
Node { lhs = Loc.make (At lhs); rhs = Loc.make (At rhs); value }

module Xt = struct
let remove ~xt node =
let list = as_list node in
let rhs = ~xt list.rhs list in
if rhs != list then begin
let lhs = ~xt list.lhs list in
Xt.set ~xt rhs.lhs lhs;
Xt.set ~xt lhs.rhs rhs
let (At rhs) = ~xt (rhs_of node) (At node) in
if At rhs != At node then begin
let (At lhs) = ~xt (lhs_of node) (At node) in
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of rhs) (At lhs);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of lhs) (At rhs)

let is_empty ~xt list = Xt.get ~xt list.lhs == list
let is_empty ~xt list = Xt.get ~xt (lhs_of list) == At list

let add_node_l ~xt node list =
let rhs = Xt.get ~xt list.rhs in
assert (Loc.fenceless_get node.node_lhs == list);
Loc.set node.node_rhs rhs;
Xt.set ~xt list.rhs (as_list node);
Xt.set ~xt rhs.lhs (as_list node);
let (At rhs) = Xt.get ~xt (rhs_of list) in
assert (Loc.fenceless_get (lhs_of node) == At list);
Loc.set (rhs_of node) (At rhs);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of list) (At node);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of rhs) (At node);

let add_l ~xt value list =
let rhs = Xt.get ~xt list.rhs in
let (At rhs) = Xt.get ~xt (rhs_of list) in
let node = create_node_with ~lhs:list ~rhs value in
Xt.set ~xt list.rhs (as_list node);
Xt.set ~xt rhs.lhs (as_list node);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of list) (At node);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of rhs) (At node);

let add_node_r ~xt node list =
let lhs = Xt.get ~xt list.lhs in
Loc.set node.node_lhs lhs;
assert (Loc.fenceless_get node.node_rhs == list);
Xt.set ~xt list.lhs (as_list node);
Xt.set ~xt lhs.rhs (as_list node);
let (At lhs) = Xt.get ~xt (lhs_of list) in
Loc.set (lhs_of node) (At lhs);
assert (Loc.fenceless_get (rhs_of node) == At list);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of list) (At node);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of lhs) (At node);

let add_r ~xt value list =
let lhs = Xt.get ~xt list.lhs in
let (At lhs) = Xt.get ~xt (lhs_of list) in
let node = create_node_with ~lhs ~rhs:list value in
Xt.set ~xt list.lhs (as_list node);
Xt.set ~xt lhs.rhs (as_list node);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of list) (At node);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of lhs) (At node);

let move_l ~xt node list =
let node = as_list node in
let list_rhs = ~xt list.rhs node in
if list_rhs != node then begin
let node_lhs = ~xt node.lhs list in
let node_rhs = ~xt node.rhs list_rhs in
if node_lhs != node then begin
Xt.set ~xt node_lhs.rhs node_rhs;
Xt.set ~xt node_rhs.lhs node_lhs
let (At list_rhs) = ~xt (rhs_of list) (At node) in
if At list_rhs != At node then begin
let (At node_lhs) = ~xt (lhs_of node) (At list) in
let (At node_rhs) = ~xt (rhs_of node) (At list_rhs) in
if At node_lhs != At node then begin
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of node_lhs) (At node_rhs);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of node_rhs) (At node_lhs)
Xt.set ~xt list_rhs.lhs node
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of list_rhs) (At node)

let move_r ~xt node list =
let node = as_list node in
let list_lhs = ~xt list.lhs node in
if list_lhs != node then begin
let node_rhs = ~xt node.rhs list in
let node_lhs = ~xt node.lhs list_lhs in
if node_rhs != node then begin
Xt.set ~xt node_lhs.rhs node_rhs;
Xt.set ~xt node_rhs.lhs node_lhs
let (At list_lhs) = ~xt (lhs_of list) (At node) in
if At list_lhs != At node then begin
let (At node_rhs) = ~xt (rhs_of node) (At list) in
let (At node_lhs) = ~xt (lhs_of node) (At list_lhs) in
if At node_rhs != At node then begin
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of node_lhs) (At node_rhs);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of node_rhs) (At node_lhs)
Xt.set ~xt list_lhs.rhs node
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of list_lhs) (At node)

let take_opt_l ~xt list =
let rhs = Xt.get ~xt list.rhs in
if rhs == list then None
let (At rhs) = Xt.get ~xt (rhs_of list) in
if At rhs == At list then None
let node = as_node rhs in
remove ~xt node;
Some node.value
Some (value_of node)

let take_opt_r ~xt list =
let lhs = Xt.get ~xt list.lhs in
if lhs == list then None
let (At lhs) = Xt.get ~xt (lhs_of list) in
if At lhs == At list then None
let node = as_node lhs in
remove ~xt node;
Some node.value
Some (value_of node)

let take_blocking_l ~xt list = Xt.to_blocking ~xt (take_opt_l list)
let take_blocking_r ~xt list = Xt.to_blocking ~xt (take_opt_r list)

let transfer_l ~xt t1 t2 =
let t1_rhs = ~xt t1.rhs t1 in
if t1_rhs != t1 then begin
let t1_lhs = ~xt t1.lhs t1 in
let t2_rhs = ~xt t2.rhs t1_rhs in
Xt.set ~xt t2_rhs.lhs t1_lhs;
Xt.set ~xt t1_rhs.lhs t2;
Xt.set ~xt t1_lhs.rhs t2_rhs
let (At t1_rhs) = ~xt (rhs_of t1) (At t1) in
if At t1_rhs != At t1 then begin
let (At t1_lhs) = ~xt (lhs_of t1) (At t1) in
let (At t2_rhs) = ~xt (rhs_of t2) (At t1_rhs) in
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of t2_rhs) (At t1_lhs);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of t1_rhs) (At t2);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of t1_lhs) (At t2_rhs)

let transfer_r ~xt t1 t2 =
let t1_rhs = ~xt t1.rhs t1 in
if t1_rhs != t1 then begin
let t1_lhs = ~xt t1.lhs t1 in
let t2_lhs = ~xt t2.lhs t1_lhs in
Xt.set ~xt t2_lhs.rhs t1_rhs;
Xt.set ~xt t1_lhs.rhs t2;
Xt.set ~xt t1_rhs.lhs t2_lhs
let (At t1_rhs) = ~xt (rhs_of t1) (At t1) in
if At t1_rhs != At t1 then begin
let (At t1_lhs) = ~xt (lhs_of t1) (At t1) in
let (At t2_lhs) = ~xt (lhs_of t2) (At t1_lhs) in
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of t2_lhs) (At t1_rhs);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of t1_lhs) (At t2);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of t1_rhs) (At t2_lhs)

let swap ~xt t1 t2 =
let t1_rhs = Xt.get ~xt t1.rhs in
if t1_rhs == t1 then transfer_l ~xt t2 t1
let (At t1_rhs) = Xt.get ~xt (rhs_of t1) in
if At t1_rhs == At t1 then transfer_l ~xt t2 t1
let t2_lhs = Xt.get ~xt t2.lhs in
if t2_lhs == t2 then transfer_l ~xt t1 t2
let (At t2_lhs) = Xt.get ~xt (lhs_of t2) in
if At t2_lhs == At t2 then transfer_l ~xt t1 t2
let t1_lhs = ~xt t1.lhs t2_lhs
and t2_rhs = ~xt t2.rhs t1_rhs in
Xt.set ~xt t2.lhs t1_lhs;
Xt.set ~xt t1.rhs t2_rhs;
Xt.set ~xt t2_rhs.lhs t1;
Xt.set ~xt t2_lhs.rhs t1;
Xt.set ~xt t1_rhs.lhs t2;
Xt.set ~xt t1_lhs.rhs t2

let[@tail_mod_cons] rec to_list_as_l ~xt f list node =
if node == list then []
else f (as_node node) :: to_list_as_l ~xt f list (Xt.get ~xt node.rhs)

let to_list_as_l ~xt f list = to_list_as_l ~xt f list (Xt.get ~xt list.rhs)
let (At t1_lhs) = ~xt (lhs_of t1) (At t2_lhs) in
let (At t2_rhs) = ~xt (rhs_of t2) (At t1_rhs) in
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of t2) (At t1_lhs);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of t1) (At t2_rhs);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of t2_rhs) (At t1);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of t2_lhs) (At t1);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of t1_rhs) (At t2);
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of t1_lhs) (At t2)

let[@tail_mod_cons] rec to_list_as_l ~xt f list (At at) =
if At at == At list then []
else f (as_node at) :: to_list_as_l ~xt f list (Xt.get ~xt (rhs_of at))

let to_list_as_l ~xt f list =
to_list_as_l ~xt f list (Xt.get ~xt (rhs_of list))

let to_list_l ~xt list = to_list_as_l ~xt get list
let to_nodes_l ~xt list = to_list_as_l ~xt list

let[@tail_mod_cons] rec to_list_as_r ~xt f list node =
if node == list then []
else f (as_node node) :: to_list_as_r ~xt f list (Xt.get ~xt node.lhs)
let[@tail_mod_cons] rec to_list_as_r ~xt f list (At at) =
if At at == At list then []
else f (as_node at) :: to_list_as_r ~xt f list (Xt.get ~xt (lhs_of at))

let to_list_as_r ~xt f list =
to_list_as_r ~xt f list (Xt.get ~xt (lhs_of list))

let to_list_as_r ~xt f list = to_list_as_r ~xt f list (Xt.get ~xt list.lhs)
let to_list_r ~xt list = to_list_as_r ~xt get list
let to_nodes_r ~xt list = to_list_as_r ~xt list

let remove node = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.remove node }
let is_empty list = Loc.get list.lhs == list
let is_empty list = Loc.get (lhs_of list) == At list

let add_l value list =
let node = create_node_with ~lhs:list ~rhs:list value in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,22 +240,23 @@ let take_r list = match take_opt_r list with None -> raise Empty | Some v -> v

let take_all list =
let copy =
{ lhs = Loc.make ~padded:true list; rhs = Loc.make ~padded:true list }
let lhs = Loc.make ~padded:true (At list) in
let rhs = Loc.make ~padded:true (At list) in
List { lhs; rhs } |> Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded
let open Kcas in
let tx ~xt =
let lhs = ~xt list.lhs list in
if lhs == list then begin
Loc.set copy.lhs copy;
Loc.set copy.rhs copy
let (At lhs) = ~xt (lhs_of list) (At list) in
if At lhs == At list then begin
Loc.set (lhs_of copy) (At copy);
Loc.set (rhs_of copy) (At copy)
let rhs = ~xt list.rhs list in
Xt.set ~xt lhs.rhs copy;
Xt.set ~xt rhs.lhs copy;
Loc.set copy.lhs lhs;
Loc.set copy.rhs rhs
let (At rhs) = ~xt (rhs_of list) (At list) in
Xt.set ~xt (rhs_of lhs) (At copy);
Xt.set ~xt (lhs_of rhs) (At copy);
Loc.set (lhs_of copy) (At lhs);
Loc.set (rhs_of copy) (At rhs)
Xt.commit { tx };

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